Message from @JarJarBinx
Discord ID: 316647381963636737
Kek we are funding isis
thanks obama sheeeeit
Remove kebab, then merchant.
@I_RUN_DEBAIN_STRETCH if you get rid of the jews you have control over your countries again?
Then you can do whatever you want to the muslims?
Islam is a real problem.
trojan horse
@I_RUN_DEBAIN_STRETCH then you are very shallow minded
Gotta think 4d chess
@I_RUN_DEBAIN_STRETCH islam doesnt control the war that is responsible for the mass immigration
@Europa who is the real threat? the jews? or above?
Along with that they dont have control in the UN or EU
The jews control both
Putting the biggest threat on the back burner isn't good. The Muslims are a weapon of the Jew. Disarm them, then go in for the kill.
Do you even 9000D chess?
then jews will find new shit
The war. The over seeing governments and our industries to break away from them
Muslims are just stupid
even without the jews
the elite remain
thats why its so hard to bring them down
its all little groups working together
A majority of the elites are Jews.
Elite, are they even human?
you got the guys on the top
then you got the lesser ones
its one big fucking hierachy
@♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ who? People like trump? If we actually take back shit we would just kill the rest of the globalists
I dont think they humans
tin foil hat blah blah blah
@Europa and you think thats SO easy
I literally hate all HR people.
Niggers are a subspecies.
@♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ and you think casting out muslims is?
All of them.
I see what Europa means.
true true