Message from @johnthornto
Discord ID: 501608615942291456
im a history buff so i know all about that
i have a family member who was in the anti-communist activities
my friends dad escaped hungary in his teens
so yeah
it was terrible
it really burns the elite in both the media/Hollywood, and Washington that they can't manipulate the masses like they used to, if they were ever that good
i have to go now
see ya round
bye 👋
do you think this is enough lube for my sex life?
You can never have enough lube
well, until now
oh ok
i bet trump could afford it
4 trillion dollars
Now we know how Obama doubled the national debt
Michelle letting us down over here
this is fucking lit
Trumpity trump
Who wants to see the devil
@Youngboy Callum Is God Hit me. If it's a Hillary or Huma pic, I wll be deeply disappointed
Looks like my dad
Doesn’t he look like everyone’s
@palmerreport just warning you he’s drunk 80% of the time