Message from @Hayato

Discord ID: 434135448894308352

2018-04-12 23:34:54 UTC  

I heard how much of a libtard she is, I want to see if it's true or not

2018-04-12 23:35:08 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:35:17 UTC  

I have a question for you people

2018-04-12 23:35:23 UTC  

Someone dm me the 3rd party

2018-04-12 23:35:42 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:35:46 UTC  

Why is it that I have to be punished for my own beliefs, opinions, and point of view?

2018-04-12 23:35:54 UTC  

Ok fixed

2018-04-12 23:36:08 UTC  

Cause walker is a dick xd

2018-04-12 23:36:15 UTC  

Just because you think that I’m wrong?

2018-04-12 23:36:38 UTC  

Opinions, beliefs and point of views aren’t right or wrong

2018-04-12 23:36:46 UTC  

Well you need to be Republican

2018-04-12 23:36:53 UTC  

its a republican server after all

2018-04-12 23:36:55 UTC  

But rather another way to see things

2018-04-12 23:37:10 UTC  

I get that it is a republican server

2018-04-12 23:37:11 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:37:23 UTC  

You still let us democrats into the server

2018-04-12 23:37:39 UTC  

And we are punished for our beliefs because we don’t agree with your own

2018-04-12 23:37:48 UTC  

Yeh we've been recently telling our people to stop recruiting Democrats

2018-04-12 23:38:51 UTC  


2018-04-12 23:39:11 UTC  

If there is a serious politics chat why is it that only republicans can chat there?

2018-04-12 23:39:16 UTC  

Well message there anyways

2018-04-12 23:39:36 UTC  

If that is about politics why not have multiple sides availed to speak their mind

2018-04-12 23:39:38 UTC  

well you see, our intentional goal wasn't to allow democrats in the server

2018-04-12 23:39:46 UTC  

it was a punishment role

2018-04-12 23:39:52 UTC  

for republicans that broke the rules

2018-04-12 23:40:05 UTC  

so we would restrict access to the politics chat

2018-04-12 23:40:23 UTC  

But we are still brainstorming on what we want to do next

2018-04-12 23:41:33 UTC  

@Hayato Also because not all conservatives believe in the same thing

2018-04-12 23:41:47 UTC  

so it would still work either way

2018-04-12 23:43:06 UTC  

Yes so since we don’t all believe in the same thing shouldn’t we talk it out in that politics chat because it is a serious topic

2018-04-12 23:43:28 UTC  

So it wouldn’t make sense if not everyone was allowed to message there

2018-04-12 23:43:43 UTC  

well as I said, libtard is a punishment role

2018-04-12 23:43:51 UTC  

for people that abused the chat

2018-04-12 23:44:11 UTC  

for people that abuse the chat, we do not want in those text channels

2018-04-12 23:44:26 UTC  

That isn’t a voice channel..

2018-04-12 23:44:47 UTC  

nice save

2018-04-12 23:45:06 UTC  

Also you aren't conservative so why get the conservative role

2018-04-12 23:45:10 UTC  

its kind of a crack in the system

2018-04-12 23:45:20 UTC  

and we are still brainstorming on how to fix it

2018-04-12 23:45:30 UTC  

why does Commie have the conservative role then, lol

2018-04-12 23:45:37 UTC  

cuz he claims hes conservative