Message from @Benjamin Bucks

Discord ID: 441742900431159316

2018-05-03 21:33:48 UTC  

For instance, how fo you know science reflects reality? You need philosophy to answer that. You cant use science to prove science withoyt arguing in a circle

2018-05-03 21:34:21 UTC  

But like, thats part of the evolution. You get really deep into one particular worldview, and then the older you get the more refined and nuanced you get. You add more distinctions to things

2018-05-03 21:35:57 UTC  

So when I hear a 16 year old call himself a natsoc, that doesnt bother me. Hes 16. He doesnt know anything about anything yet. If he was like 44 and a natsoc id be concerned because then it might be too late. You might be stuck in that narrow worldview the rest of your life because you arent willing to be critical and skeptical of yourself. Its a tough thing to do. Ego gets in the way all the time

2018-05-03 21:36:36 UTC  

But that begs the question of why call your outlook scientific if there’s no science about it.

2018-05-03 21:37:09 UTC  

I wouldn't call it a scientific worldivew, I'd just call it a worldview...or a filter

2018-05-03 21:37:15 UTC  

I don’t call mine scientific because I don’t think it’s a matter of science

2018-05-03 21:37:51 UTC  

I like thinking in terms of systems. Something you'll hear more and more about its the term filter as a way to describe our outlook

2018-05-03 21:38:26 UTC  

Very cool and important video. Filters in Harmony.

2018-05-03 21:40:05 UTC  

I’ll watch it when I get home.

2018-05-03 21:42:49 UTC  

Let me know if you like it. It might not be for you, but I found it really informative

2018-05-03 21:42:59 UTC  

But I love business and sheit

2018-05-03 21:43:30 UTC  

But the issue I take with what you’re saying, and I maybe misreading so correct me if I’m wrong, is that you’re telling Myst that by rejecting this filter of a broadened idea of intelligence that he’s rejecting science. You also referred to all of this as mainstream science, what science tells us, etc. And while I do in fact agree with the idea of an understanding of intelligence beyond the traditional analytical definition and that everyone has their talents etc. I don’t believe this to be a scientific idea derived from the scientific method

2018-05-03 21:50:04 UTC  

Okay. Good point my man. Ill give you that i see what youre saying.

2018-05-03 23:08:16 UTC  


2018-05-03 23:08:27 UTC  


2018-05-03 23:20:08 UTC  


2018-05-03 23:21:16 UTC  

How's it going

2018-05-03 23:25:57 UTC  

Going good, Sixers bout to be on

2018-05-03 23:27:13 UTC  

Also having a good day for me, libtards pissed about Trump ending Korean War

2018-05-03 23:28:34 UTC  

We're in the golden age

2018-05-03 23:28:43 UTC  

Today was the best day ever, and tomorrow will be even better

2018-05-03 23:29:41 UTC  

Was a peace treaty signed?

2018-05-03 23:31:35 UTC  

I dont think so yet

2018-05-03 23:31:45 UTC  

It might of been

2018-05-03 23:32:32 UTC  

but im sure it hasn't yet.

2018-05-03 23:34:34 UTC  

I want hitler lovin cracker role

2018-05-03 23:42:48 UTC  

@Ben Garrison Not yet except for the Panmunjom Declaration

2018-05-03 23:44:15 UTC  

It's very likely one will be signed by the end of May

2018-05-03 23:44:23 UTC  

If not, by the end of the year

2018-05-03 23:44:52 UTC  

But its basically guaranteed that it will happen

2018-05-03 23:45:13 UTC  

Kind of like when Trump won Florida and Ohio, the election was basically over

2018-05-03 23:45:23 UTC  

I wish Hillary's Imprisonment was guaranteed

2018-05-03 23:48:00 UTC  

Probably won't happen, just sometimes the left is untouchable

2018-05-03 23:48:36 UTC  

thats how corrupt the democrats are

2018-05-04 00:11:28 UTC  


2018-05-04 00:12:02 UTC  

Why am I not 50 points ahead you might ask?

2018-05-04 00:14:08 UTC  

Wow I just read the Declaration, hopefully all of that comes to pass

2018-05-04 02:56:08 UTC  

@King Baldwin IV Welcome fellow Republican

2018-05-04 02:56:23 UTC  

You've join a right cause, brother

2018-05-04 02:56:40 UTC  

Thank you so much for the invite!