Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 482776390903791636

2018-08-24 22:47:38 UTC  

It really reminds me of those 2010-ish copypastas that spammed the internet, but actually this one is smart instead of brainless.

2018-08-24 22:47:48 UTC  

Its just another forwarding message. Doubt theres any "experiment" involved. People just get giddy over others sending their crap

2018-08-24 22:48:15 UTC  

I mean, it's definetly interesting to see how many times this gets resent.

2018-08-24 22:48:18 UTC  

It's way too basic for me to consider it as smart.

2018-08-24 22:48:30 UTC  

But the fact you can just change the number to anything you want ruins it.

2018-08-24 22:49:07 UTC  

It is smart in comparison to "Resend or die in a week" sort of copypasta.

2018-08-24 22:51:39 UTC  

>trump supprts LGBTQ "people"

2018-08-24 22:51:47 UTC  

i know who i'm NOT voting for

2018-08-24 22:52:35 UTC  

that's gay

2018-08-24 22:52:49 UTC  

trump wants to protect sodomites and other subhumans

2018-08-24 22:53:08 UTC  

Did you just say "subhumans" unironically?

2018-08-24 22:53:24 UTC  

f*gs are all defective

2018-08-24 22:53:31 UTC  

they should be thrown off rooftops

2018-08-24 22:55:08 UTC  


2018-08-24 22:55:22 UTC  

Sodomites have no rights to life

2018-08-24 22:56:52 UTC  

@Daddy Big Neck I would friend you on steam but I'm unable to login online and I can't find your account manually searching

2018-08-24 22:57:30 UTC  

I'll try to figure someting out, @Donaldus Triumphus

2018-08-25 04:13:43 UTC  

Conservatives are invertebrates when it comes to their political worldview. Our biggest problem with them is that they are solely reactionary and are NEVER revolutionary. Every time that the left-wing pushes for more falsehoods to be accepted by the masses, they always are successful. They were successful with ending segregation, legalizing abortion, legalizing sodomy, legalizing trannies, allowing mass-immigration, restricting gun rights and separating the people from eternal salvation. These people are nothing short of evil and will push for everything that is satanic, they deserve death. But what does the spineless, reactionary, boomer-tier "right-wing" do about all of this? They whine about it for a little while on Facebook (at least until they get banned by Mark Zuckerberg, King of all things Kosher) and are forced to accept it. Enough whining, it's about time that these reactionaries become revolutionaries and go on the offensive! We have no reason to ally with conservatives for the sake of "Uniting the Right" and other big tent garbage. They are dead weight and nothing more.

2018-08-25 04:39:51 UTC  

I'd like to see you do any different lmao, if you want to start a revolution; be my guest

2018-08-25 05:01:01 UTC  

the most effective revolutionary act anyone can do is have multiple white children and be completely self sufficient, which we are saving up the funds to do by the way

2018-08-25 05:02:39 UTC  

it beats being a conservative who constantly becomes more and more "left" in order to catch up with progressives who turn society more and more progressive as time goes on

2018-08-25 06:29:33 UTC  

Didn't know raising white children is going to fix and revolutionize segregation, abortion, sodomy, trannies, mass immigration, gun rights and eternal salvation. I mean ***"g o o n t h e o f f e n s i v e***, of course whining on facebook usually doesn't do jack because they get Zucced. Although social media has tremendous power, Trump's tweets are basically nukes. People on the right using social media to start info wars are doing very nice work. You shouldn't ally with us, we don't want to fight for you. Although, I'd imagine you fighting/revolutionizing would be no different than what the conservatives you claim already do. Coming on social media to criticize conservatives for fighting on social media., when your main platform and the only way you get your word across is social media. What you're doing is no different

2018-08-25 07:03:07 UTC  

you conveniently left out the "become completely self sufficient" part

2018-08-25 07:06:36 UTC  

any revolutionary activity that will land you in jail should be avoided obviously, so that's why we strive to become self sufficient and completely drop out from the system

2018-08-25 07:08:36 UTC  

the moment where you're able to grow your own food, live on land free of mortgages/rent and provide for yourself is the moment when you're a revolutionary

2018-08-25 07:11:37 UTC  

Considering the definition of a revolution is really forcibly overthrowing the government in favor of change/ a new system, I don't really see how that revolutionizes those same topics you mentioned earlier.

2018-08-25 07:13:18 UTC  

I think a replaceable word you might use is "protest", although that still wouldn't influence much

2018-08-25 07:13:27 UTC  

attacking the military apparatus is suicidal and you'd be insane to try it and expect it to work. being able to drop out and forming our own communities independent from any sort of government assistance strengthens us and weakens them

2018-08-25 07:14:16 UTC  

there's no law against dropping out, fanning the flames between lets say monkeys and cops, and weakening the national unity of an empire not meant to last anyway

2018-08-25 07:16:56 UTC  

I mean if that's your plan to weaken the United States, that's kind of ridiculous lol. Grow your own food xd. You know not to be rude but I'd rather get along with my Life and be able to get me good food conveniently with no bother at a store

2018-08-25 07:18:33 UTC  

Not worth the trouble over something so small, tbh a facebook post probably has more influence than that

2018-08-25 07:18:36 UTC  

it may sound ridiculous but if you look at the amish, they've been very successful

2018-08-25 07:18:46 UTC  

the only difference however

2018-08-25 07:19:20 UTC  

in a hypothetical war scenario we'd easily defeat the amish because we would advance technologically wise

2018-08-25 07:20:34 UTC  

if you're not dropping out of the system, you should be fanning the flames and causing an tension between antifa, Black Lives (don't) Matter and the police

2018-08-25 07:21:48 UTC  

have them do all the fighting and the rioting

2018-08-25 07:22:31 UTC  

that's all those human garbage are good for and it throws some of them in jail as opposed to one of us

2018-08-25 07:26:14 UTC  

That's already happened a lot actually during the protests of the presidential election. Maybe not directly Antifa, BLM and the police, but provoked them to get mad enough and to commit crimes. Tons of Antifa get arrested thanks to conservatives, they already do the fighting and the rioting. Just you don't see it AS MUCH (still happens but no where as frequently) nowadays because most people are abandoning the Democratic Party. If you see modern Trump protests there's like barely 20 people, people are walking away.

2018-08-25 07:28:49 UTC  

this goes without saying that the average Antifa is a scrawny soyboy that would get KO'd in one punch, but i'm talking about something big enough to cause another LA riot or something

2018-08-25 07:30:06 UTC  

because mr. beta bitch antifa on his own is either a lanklet or a soyboy but picking up a brick and doing enough damage costs lots of dolla dolla billz