Message from @Donaldus Triumphus

Discord ID: 482817752885755924

2018-08-25 07:32:03 UTC  

Oh there were lots of damage and violence in the election protests. All in the big cities downtown. Although, they brought that on themselves. Depends what you mean by "causing a tension between antifa, Black Lives (don't) Matter and the police"

2018-08-25 07:32:37 UTC  

making antifa and koko the chimp's lives matter hate the police and doing constant anti-cop rallies

2018-08-25 07:32:47 UTC  

They basically already hate the police

2018-08-25 07:32:57 UTC  

that's where the Blue Lives Matter movement comes from

2018-08-25 07:33:32 UTC  

so make black lives matter and blue lives matter clash to the point where they're on the verge of brawling

2018-08-25 07:34:31 UTC  

Groups like BLM and Antifa might be reckless, but way too weak to cause something like the 1992 LA riot

2018-08-25 07:35:18 UTC  

obviously they're as dumb as a sack of shit and they can hardly be called revolutionaries

2018-08-25 07:35:50 UTC  

but universities are a breeding ground for antifa and "far-left" (fuck all these left right center terms and shit)

2018-08-25 07:36:48 UTC  

they have the potential to pump out "smash fashizumz" type idiots like minecraft youtubers pumps out shitty ass parody songs

2018-08-25 07:37:02 UTC  

lol alright

2018-08-25 07:37:47 UTC  

But let me ask you this. When you say "make black lives matter and blue lives matter clash to the point where they're on the verge of brawling"

2018-08-25 07:38:02 UTC  

What do you plan

2018-08-25 07:39:26 UTC  

ironically, we wouldn't have to do anything to make it happen

2018-08-25 07:40:18 UTC  

soon the animosity they have for each other will be large enough to where they would have brawl like never seen before

2018-08-25 07:40:18 UTC  

well yeah they already hate cops, but they are too LOW ENERGY to make constant police riots

2018-08-25 07:41:18 UTC  

Always has to be a motive, or an event that occurs before it sparks up protests. Like a policy, a crime or something

2018-08-25 07:42:12 UTC  

when it comes to a crime that's out of our control, but we can push for a candidate with a policy that will undoubtedly receive backlash

2018-08-25 07:42:43 UTC  

basically vote for the shittiest guy that has no clue what he's doing

2018-08-25 07:44:03 UTC  

Not saying I agree we should influence them to start a mass scale riot, but just saying that they won't start it on their own

2018-08-25 07:44:19 UTC  

Well actually, no they could, but not anytime soon

2018-08-25 07:45:22 UTC  

We shouldn't purposely influence a mass scale riot, although if they disagree with our political views and they do so as a reaction; not our problem

2018-08-25 07:45:54 UTC  

If we elect Trump and they riot, not our fault

2018-08-25 07:45:57 UTC  

which they did

2018-08-25 07:46:24 UTC  

if they do that, then it will create more friction that will escalate

2018-08-25 07:47:50 UTC  

we'd still be far away from them having a civil war but every bit of animosity will get us closer and closer to more extreme conflict

2018-08-25 07:48:32 UTC  

our job is to just prepare for when there's a collapse or a civil war

2018-08-25 07:48:59 UTC  

by growing your own food?

2018-08-25 07:49:04 UTC  


2018-08-25 07:49:08 UTC  

that's part of it lol

2018-08-25 07:49:36 UTC  

So let me get this straight, and correct me if I miss something or I'm wrong

2018-08-25 07:49:42 UTC  

okay, shoot

2018-08-25 07:51:03 UTC  

You want to drop out of the system, create and nurture a community of white people and become divided from the government. Then slowly push for a Civil War, then of which when it happens, you prepare, expand and implement national socialism

2018-08-25 07:51:06 UTC  

That's my guess

2018-08-25 07:51:35 UTC  

only do what is legal but effective

2018-08-25 07:52:47 UTC  

a soviet union style collapse will create an environment where we can provide people with things that the government would be unable to provide

2018-08-25 07:53:19 UTC  

if the people are hungry, well, we've being growing lots of food and can give all the excess stuff that's good to those people

2018-08-25 07:54:04 UTC  

in a civil war we have very few options, but i'd say wait until they've exhausted each other out

2018-08-25 07:54:20 UTC  

so the last part is wrong or still on

2018-08-25 07:54:28 UTC  

it's not wrong

2018-08-25 07:54:52 UTC  

it's that we should avoid doing illegal activities because it will weaken us when we need to be stronger than the system

2018-08-25 07:55:29 UTC  

A Civil War you say