Message from @♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ

Discord ID: 319041089904574464

2017-05-30 09:10:46 UTC  

That video was heavy shit.


So tomorrow this thing will happen?

2017-05-30 09:11:27 UTC  



Apparently something is happening world wide tomorrow

2017-05-30 09:12:13 UTC  

midnight tonight

Hello to all friends!

We are at end of this incredible journey. We asked you to help us deliver our messages. We asked you to help us to change the world. We asked you to spread the love, humanity, mercy, understanding and altruism.

We have over "700" friends in over "54" countries and over "360" cities around the world. We are now many, we are ready and we are FLOOD.

It's almost time to share! In only few days, on "May 31st 2017" after our countdown you can share our message!

How to share?
1) Read the instructions.pdf ( to inform you today,
2) after the countdown ends ( visit our Dropbox folder ( again and download "manifesto.pdf" and "energy.pdf" files,
3) follow the "instructions.pdf" to share our "manifesto.pdf" and "energy.pdf" files on "31. May 2017" (IMPORTANT),
4) Enjoy!

P.S.: We upload our "manifesto.pdf" and "energy.pdf" after our countdown ends on May 31st 2017!

We are thankful for all this love, understanding, help and support. We had a great time with our friends. We will never forget all the names behind this amazing mission. Every single message is important for us.

We LOVE you all!

Tengri 137
PGP: 0x666ab731
Twitter: @666ab731

2017-05-30 09:14:02 UTC  

i did a reverse search on the image and it might be some kind of game

It looks like one of those

caveman type drawings

Or a satanic ritual

Wtf are people gonna be sharing??

2017-05-30 09:14:46 UTC  

the were some ruins ans cyphors and shit

Manifesto and energy

MAnifesto of what


I hope its some kind of data stealing virus exposing the jews

but probably just some publicity stunt

wtf i cant send the PDF

2017-05-30 09:16:04 UTC  

idk if its connect to vualt 7 it may be a release of info from the recent malware

yeah i instantly resetted my pc after i got the malware

why mail to the MSM tho

2017-05-30 09:17:22 UTC  

weird shit

I mean MSM might be forced to talk about what is in those documents

so that could be good

2017-05-30 09:19:00 UTC  

i think u can still sign up to get the info it said till midnight im gonna wait for someone else to release it i dont want any crazy shit on my pc


They are german

I checked their tweet and it says An: Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.h

lemme search wat that it


2017-05-30 09:20:14 UTC  

i downloaded the some files about booze allen along time ago fro anonymous ithing it was the stratfor files and my pc tuened itself on and erased the file it was fucked


So this Verlagsgesellschaft leads back to Hannover in Germany

Its an online marketing company

not sure

2017-05-30 09:21:33 UTC  
