Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 276960006794903554
if you want to shitpost about niggers and dox antifa come here
@Liberal Degenerate everybody has a reason to be paranoid. Everybody is out for each other's blood.
i think just for fun i'll make a webapp for doxing antifa
Just so you know, Richard Spencer didn't get punched for being Alt-Right, he got punched for his "pepe pen".
not for congregating anticom
from a legal standpoint, antifa have much more to be worried about under Trump admin than we do
i downloaded yik yak and it was half gay hookups and half drug deals wow i had no idea
Antfa Frog Stomping Squad
@webdevanon I would have to stop calling you a faggot
if you made an antifa dox app
and then that would mean admitting I was wrong
occasionally, and I mean very rarely, angry SJWs try to organize shit
>Dox App
it was just one example
that has happened 2x in my life pls no
We hackers now.
it would be more based on focusing doxing efforts
I'll ssh your hardrive
I don't have mum, I reproduce via budding.
not some magical dox app kek
I am the real 4chan
yes, I'm thinking you put in a zipcode and it gives you a little map of the closest Antifa dox victims
In all seriousness I'm pretty sure Antifa can kick most of your asses.
thats a good idea
Me to the left.
antifa need a flag to kick anyone's ass, and even *then*
thats a very good idea actually
i'll look into it tbh
they need 12 other antifas to do it
thats what pisses me off about antifa
doesn't really matter if you have a car
they are all string bean faggots