Message from @FatNiggerPussy
Discord ID: 276960492126470165
We hackers now.
I hacked ur mum
it would be more based on focusing doxing efforts
I'll ssh your hardrive
I don't have mum, I reproduce via budding.
not some magical dox app kek
I am the real 4chan
yes, I'm thinking you put in a zipcode and it gives you a little map of the closest Antifa dox victims
In all seriousness I'm pretty sure Antifa can kick most of your asses.
thats a good idea
Me to the left.
antifa need a flag to kick anyone's ass, and even *then*
thats a very good idea actually
i'll look into it tbh
they need 12 other antifas to do it
thats what pisses me off about antifa
they are all string bean faggots
It only took one Antifa to give Spencer a black eye.
antifa's try to fight those all the time
and lose bigly
i have to date not seen one antifa who looks swole
they're all skinny jeaned tofu eaters
from a sucker punch, like a huge pussy would do
Lose bigly, they're making y'all look like bitche.s
@Liberal Degenerate he have a soft face
for example
Who the fuck gets punched by a dude wearing a scare.
>implying spencer isn't controlled opposition
someone in the middle of an interview
what do you goys think about Trumpstaffel
Be a martyr and put out a trashcan fire .
DAILY REMINDER LADS: Part of being redpilled is being jacked; Don't get cucked and fucked.