Message from @♠ℜomeo♠ ᛟϟϟLandStormϟϟᛟ

Discord ID: 319637307722563584

now i look like an emo faggot

I've been enlightened black pilled for a long time. I don't count the days anymoar

Well yeah theres that indeed

Neither do I

Getting my monthly blackpill

always sets in when im lonely at night rip

Tomorrows a new day with new battles though

Not planning to lose them

dont remembber his name

Imma call him Joey gribbles


I bet Ivanka is a great kisser

shes a jewish rat

And smells like vanilla

she will force her sharp tongue inside of you

unscrewing your teeth

Yeah but I'm a kike

to sell to the blackmarket

And I can't racemix



why arent you our insider at the mossad

Because the builderbergs won't accept me


So I had to settle for u goys