Message from @Leo (BillNyeLand)

Discord ID: 546892239624863767

2019-02-18 02:03:37 UTC  

People are willing to die for things they sincerely believe in

2019-02-18 02:03:58 UTC  

That's why there are volunteers in the Army, the fire department

2019-02-18 02:04:51 UTC  

That same mentality is consistent then while trying to preserve life where it counts

2019-02-18 02:05:26 UTC  

Thanks for the article I need to read it.

2019-02-18 02:07:13 UTC  

That's really fascinating!

2019-02-18 02:34:20 UTC  

I don’t know but I want to contribute

2019-02-18 02:39:01 UTC  


2019-02-18 02:39:58 UTC  

That’s also why there are volunteers in ISIS and in terrorist bombings

2019-02-18 02:40:00 UTC  

It goes both ways

2019-02-18 02:47:07 UTC  

One seeks to destroy whilst the other seeks to save

2019-02-18 02:52:46 UTC  

Christianity is in touch with basic, moral human principals or i could say vice versa

2019-02-18 02:54:36 UTC  

Sin nature is hard to fight

2019-02-18 02:54:46 UTC  

Being bad comes naturally

2019-02-18 02:54:58 UTC  

It’s instinct and second nature

2019-02-18 02:55:07 UTC  

Hypothetically if people just wrote it and there was no God, it has so many beneficial teachings and lessons that anybody can apply to their lives in any small way. And in any small way it would be beneficial.

2019-02-18 02:55:24 UTC  

We are born into sin so its inherit

2019-02-18 02:55:48 UTC  

Resisting temptation is way too hard

2019-02-18 02:56:32 UTC  

It takes maturity, determination, and self-control to overcome it. Hence why we need God because otherwise we'd just fall back into temptation.

2019-02-18 02:56:46 UTC  

It was never supposed to be easy

2019-02-18 02:57:24 UTC  

That's to say, on our own.

2019-02-18 03:14:30 UTC  

I’m not religious but neither am I sinful or depraved

2019-02-18 03:14:36 UTC  

I’m not even gay 😎

2019-02-18 03:15:21 UTC  

And there are horrible Christians as much as horrible Muslims or horrible atheists

2019-02-18 03:16:52 UTC  

Didn’t the Catholic Church have some sort of scandal?

2019-02-18 03:18:01 UTC  

@Leo (BillNyeLand) lol which one? hard to keep track these days

2019-02-18 03:18:38 UTC  

I’m the epitome of innocence

2019-02-18 03:20:05 UTC  

@Alison I suppose that sort of proves my point

2019-02-18 03:20:14 UTC  
2019-02-18 03:21:52 UTC  

And @Techigami you can have morals without being religious

2019-02-18 03:21:55 UTC  

ahh that was rhetorical i see

2019-02-18 03:22:05 UTC  

It sort of was

2019-02-18 03:22:23 UTC  

I'm a Christian of simple faith, I believe in Christ and the Bible, so naturally I disagree with any denomination of Christianity as a whole.

2019-02-18 03:22:35 UTC  

So do I 😎

2019-02-18 03:22:49 UTC  


2019-02-18 03:22:57 UTC  

(but not for the same reasons)

2019-02-18 03:23:54 UTC  

Oh hey

2019-02-18 03:24:10 UTC  

The separating fact between morality and Christianity is that if you're a Christian you believe in Christ and so on and so forth. I was coming from a point that at the least there is no reason to disagree from a moral perspective.

2019-02-18 03:24:21 UTC  

Here’s some nighttime ponderings for you

2019-02-18 03:24:50 UTC  

Can god create a rock so heavy not even he could ever lift it?

2019-02-18 03:24:59 UTC  


2019-02-18 03:25:06 UTC  

Why not?