Message from @Jack H.
Discord ID: 555926245049761798
Yes billionaires are the best but they're always attacked
Of course billionaires are always attacked, everybody wants a piece of their ass
Nobody likes the best
People don't like rich people
I never got that
I hate how YouTube on purposely blocks pro-Trump videos and says it doesnt
well actually
I do have some resentment towards idiots who inherit wealth
but for people who are largely self-made? respect
I reported the trump video abput building a wall
fight me rightists
Is there a communist role
can I have it
"Stalin Lovin' Comtard"
It hasn't
It has in my heart though
I am sexually attracted to communism
fight me
you guys are just sad
where has fascism worked?
checkmate one for the communists
and for one, it DID work in Russia...
Ignore Stalin, he was a bad leader
Like Hitler or Mussolini
They had the resources to support communism
Muh 6 gorillion
holy fuck, this NZ shit is fucked
the killer was a TRS member
what happened @theboogerhook ?
There's been two mass shootings at two mosques in Christchurch