Message from @D3VNT
Discord ID: 279362484077592576
Who the fuck even subscribes to these magazines
This pops up and then all of a sudden /r/alt-right and "personality type" threads wash over the fucking board.
Can you say slide?
This is basically the biggest news that /pol/ could possibly have received, it is more or less a confirmation BY JEWS that the holohoax is just that, a hoax. Instead everyone is posting in personality type HWNDU and other /b/-tier
This discord chat is a /pol/ hive mind
Holy shit
The "I've been offended to death"
So good
No meme, it's literally ISIS pranking ISIS
I approve
Fucking niggers are original cucks
*chews on tin foil to alleviate the pain*
So this picture is actually from a rape charge article
night club rape and sexual assault
she was coerced into doing it lol
and guess what the liberal page labeled this as
"white girls dig black men" yeah coersive griding is not "digging"
google took that article down
whats coersive griding mean again?
imagine if this was a white man forcing a black woman to grind him