Message from @esgee
Discord ID: 279354365041704962
Post more big knees plz
@esgee labour should be a warning for an America, self canibalisation due to political segregation and marginalisation at its finest
Who the fuck even subscribes to these magazines
This pops up and then all of a sudden /r/alt-right and "personality type" threads wash over the fucking board.
Can you say slide?
This is basically the biggest news that /pol/ could possibly have received, it is more or less a confirmation BY JEWS that the holohoax is just that, a hoax. Instead everyone is posting in personality type HWNDU and other /b/-tier
This discord chat is a /pol/ hive mind
Holy shit
The "I've been offended to death"
So good
ISIS pranking ISIS:
No meme, it's literally ISIS pranking ISIS
I approve
Fucking niggers are original cucks
*chews on tin foil to alleviate the pain*