Message from @gabe_brouse
Discord ID: 277832631737909258
One of us went to one of his rallies
>White nationalist
I have a jewish friend and he is a russian nationalist
That's very funny
Like ommitting muh 6 gorilliam from the statement on holohoax day
Not even Soros would blow the resources he has been on trying to make people revolt against Trump if he was a puppet
talked about the (((refugee crisis))) with him and he asked our anon how he knew about that shit
not even kidding
Keep your dream that Trump is a saviour
wrong pic
one sec
That pic used to be true of /b/
just porn now
/b/ died in 2007.
^^^read that shit
or am I wrong?
I'd say '08
/b/ in 4chan is a shithole
in regards to NatSoc's here
As long as we all hate commies
because I'm no leader here
But gabe you missed what I posted earlier
What did I miss?
gabe_brouse check your messages
I'm gonna miss these days once commies are quelled
Your lot will go back to wanting to gas me, lol
08 as well. Kinda a long downhill.