Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 277916683727929345
"well they'll be in the heat of the moment"
They're paranoid. You can see it how they cannibalize their own movement.
Yea, if they are rioting.
"i saw a bunch of video clips of them burning trash cans that means they arent thinking ever"
Ok since Im muted, is it safe to use my personal email to email the anitcom email address?
you're making massive, ignorant, sheltered assumptions
It is.
you remind me of a homeschooled kid
They're probably not though if they're focused on throwing chairs at cops.
Thanks Verm
You're assumign they're self-aware at all times.
just accept that you walked into this with a head full of GREAT IDEAS
They're not though if they're focused on doing something i.e. vandalism
and zero real world knowledge
Of course they're not completely, but as much as you'd probably like to LARP out your sick infiltration skills, you'd be playing with fire.
If they're so organized then show me what they use to organize other than the oathkeepers stuff.
@bukowskii I don't have any anymore, but no one knows me here so infiltration should be ez.
Link me their "strategies"
Unless we have a Hercules Mulligan, infiltration is far too dangerous
infiltrate then what? smash and burn with them?
Then only thing you could do is get in a group and open up with bear mace
Rip Rusholme.
nor should we be
Lurk moar
your dad
Who is running the twitter?
Don't do that
@Yvaen what are you talking about
we're pretty much all from one /pol/ or another
im 9gag
why would you identify as a newfag
im ebaums
lol i never left 4chan i just started using 8chan as the raid board
can you guys hear me
all the kids who ahd never seen a board get trolled