Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 277730793327951872
Fucking get right on that if you can holy shit kek
you're welcome
Thanks for that site suggestion mate
I hate niggers
but I don't care about the race issue
I just want to stop commies
anything I can do to further the cause
and protect western civilization
I just want my wife to travel to work without being afraid
I have no problem working with people who don't want to even talk about race
or who have different views than I do
I would do it to establish dominance.
in fact, I think that's why we'll win
I kinda feel like Yo would serve his interests bests by getting with a skin or full 14/88 group
attn lurkers most shit is in voicechat
Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagann
Mind over Matter - the Anime
Also testosterone
why can't traps extract their test and sell it
everyone would win
I actually have nigh problematic low test levels
But it helps me pass, so
this guy needs an award for most triggered cuck on the planet
^ every arrested rioter right there