Message from @KLEE
Discord ID: 654846870610378790
I swear this guy triggers me so much
i cant even watch him for one full minute
It's half him trying to get views and half him probably actually being mentally unstable.
was his discord server banned or something?
he was banned from Patreon
he looks like every texan ever
I was gonna say if Al Capone was a pidgeon
I've never wanted to punch someone across the face more
Sad to throw away so many books tho
Can’t they donate them
So what was that about Nazi book burning?
They're destroying literature they don't approve of in a nutshell and it's infuriating
I mean the balance of power there is completely reversed tho. They’re not comparable events
because who are these people to say that literature isn't valuable
Like as a person who cares about education and literature it sucks to see books being thrown away
Why not just, more books??
I agree with you btw
Throwing the books away doesn’t really solve anything
It's a waste of centuries of history because someone thinks the books are 'boring'
do you want to store them then?
Hey I’m not saying I have a perfect solution but how about larger libraries
that would require libraries becoming more popular. or making "Bigger libraries" an issue people care so much about that they would change their vote on
both are unlikely
As I said it’s hardly a perfect solution
well it is a good solution. just a plain not viable one