Message from @TychoLorenzo
Discord ID: 656528220102983721
Anyone else think that @xTroubledxSoulx looks like the by-product of the Michelin man and his momma?
Incest born michelin child
nah, he's just angry for not being able to leave the in the south and all
*sad trombone*
He lives in WA, sadly.
South Washington.......
did he post his PP again?
*again* ?
House is best boy
no retard i posted my fucked up big toe after i set a few hundred pound furniture on it @IvoryDealership
smart boy.
Can you at least spoiler that? Toe stuff makes me ill and I just ate like an hour ago
@Jennifer i dont think its against the rules to post it here. but you can ask blaunde to repost the images as spooilers and delete the originals
It's ok if not, I'm a big girl, just didn't need to see that lol
@IvoryDealership blaundee deleted these same images in here
On another note, Dan told him not to post them anymore
Wow I didn't see the @ from dan he's so sensitive about it lmao
whatever idc i deleted
you need ^^^^^
in case you're too stupid to get the need his glasses
back at it again with his stupidity........why won't he just die?...
Because @The Librarian he's a pathetic human who is taking up oxygen
I believe the official term is “*Window-licking,* **oxygen-thieving,** ***MOUTH-BREATHING*** moron
Probs close to 40 wins but 6 solos
O.O shit
Here's a better one.