Message from @Draconic_kingpin

Discord ID: 676894085444927580

2020-02-11 20:46:09 UTC  

was he nice to the egyptians ? we don't really talk about this in school

2020-02-11 20:46:23 UTC  

The French Techinically won the most battles than any other country

2020-02-11 20:46:32 UTC  

Well he was sometimes nice and sometimes bad

2020-02-11 20:46:46 UTC  

He tried to turn the Copts on Muslims

2020-02-11 20:46:51 UTC  

That horribly failed

2020-02-11 20:46:59 UTC  

Executed rebel leaders

2020-02-11 20:47:17 UTC  

Destroyed artifacts and mosques

2020-02-11 20:47:25 UTC  


2020-02-11 20:47:26 UTC  

And walked into Al Azhar, with horses.

2020-02-11 20:48:03 UTC  

Safe to say we only managed to execute his captains and officers because the bastard fled away

2020-02-11 20:48:14 UTC  

big oof

2020-02-11 20:48:20 UTC  

But he wasn't too bad towards the common man

2020-02-11 20:48:34 UTC  

He gave us this really amazing new super invention

2020-02-11 20:48:53 UTC  

It's called "Law"

2020-02-11 20:49:01 UTC  

I know right? Crazy shit

2020-02-11 20:50:57 UTC  

really ?

2020-02-11 20:54:11 UTC  

gtg , see yall around ?

2020-02-11 20:54:17 UTC  


2020-02-11 20:54:31 UTC  

@Holilynette , well French law, and basic industry

2020-02-11 20:54:37 UTC  

But we can talk later

2020-02-11 20:57:41 UTC  

I swear if these 2 have an interaction through GIFs I will be seeing an Ascension beyond this mortal plain

2020-02-11 21:08:27 UTC

2020-02-11 21:28:01 UTC

2020-02-11 22:04:06 UTC  

You and your gifs

2020-02-11 22:05:01 UTC

2020-02-11 22:05:44 UTC  
2020-02-11 22:06:01 UTC

2020-02-11 22:07:09 UTC  

When you want to eat chocolate, but you're on a diet.

2020-02-11 22:07:22 UTC

2020-02-11 22:14:28 UTC  

Corona + Auris + Mycovirus + retrovirus (HIV)

They engineered some kind of hybrid corona/bacteriophage attachment protein retrovirus (HIV) that attaches to human cells, gets into cells, uses reverse transcriptase to produce a variant that then attaches to say mitochonria within those cells using the evolutionary rickettsia link to pre human evolution and use the mitchondrial dna hijack to cause some kind of horizontal gene transfer between cells without it directly affecting cellular nucleus dna, so the cell might not notice to put genes in other cells that then express those genes at some later date.

I think its theoretially possible but way out of our technological ability for hundreds of years, it would be a type of targeted retrovirus gene therapy tech directed at mitochondria

IE you could design a virus to enter somebodies respiratory system, for it to then hijack cellular mechanisms and shift genes into liver cells thats produce liver cancer. You would need a large multi ethnic sample of dna data like from one of those ancestry websites to build up large data stores of receptor information in populations, but it doesnt seem theoretically impossible, just technically very very difficult.

fragility of rna is also a factor i imagine ( it would mutate and break the gene expression), and the lenth of the viral rna/dna wouldnt be long enough for too many genes.

Wonder if it could be done at a molecular nanotech level not using DNA but DNA binding nanostructures, xeno nucleic acids i guess, ie DNA like molecules that trick ribosomes into protein encoding specific ways, there are lot of nasty chemicals that can bind to dna base molecules, granted all the ones i know about cause cancer as they fuck with dna encoding.

2020-02-11 22:15:55 UTC