Message from @CHARLES PELKEY

Discord ID: 671098132662321156

2019-04-17 16:50:00 UTC  

hello patriots of humanity. I am French, I do not speak English well, I speak very little. I want to be in touch with someone speaking English and French for a specific thing that I will tell you later if you want. I thank you very much. god bless

2019-05-09 12:11:22 UTC  

this Chicom bustard from Vietnam to German then became vice PM ?

2019-05-30 23:31:00 UTC  

ho boy not good , Right-wing AfD suggest parts of Germany under an islamic "caliphate .

2019-06-06 16:04:08 UTC  

GERMANY is becoming a Threat to the Western World
GERMANY is the undisputed leader of European Union. It’s Industrial Base that supplied the NAZI’S during WW2 has survived the defeat of the Bundesweihr Companies include Original and Conglomerate Entities. They include AIRBUS RHEINMETALL ROCHLING THYSSENKRUPP TRIDELTA. OLKSWAGON BASF BAYER AND SANOFI. This Industrial Base , worth Trillions, has the Capacity to Bolster a German Military and it’s European Co-Conspirators. Just like pre WW2, the European, and Western Nations are asleep and ignoring German Conquest Plans. The European Union already encompasses many of the Countries taken by Military Conquest
The European Union has its sights set on the Mideast for Energy to Supply its Domestic and Most Importantly War Machine. Though its Energy needs are now being largely met by Russia, a deep Distrust of Putin exists. If Russia decided to turn off the Natural Gas Spigot, like they did to the Ukraine, Europe would find itself in Dire Conditions. This would be more profound if it occurred in the Cold Seasons
Russia also possesses the Submarine Assets necessary to Starve the Europeans of the oil needed for Domestic and Military Usage. This will not occur. With Angela Merkel on her way out, all that is needed is a strong Leader to Consolidate Power. Currently, many European Countries are leaning towards a Right Wing Nationalistic Spectrum
My Conclusion is to be very Wary of German Policies, particularly when it comes to North America and it’s Interests.
Thank You

2019-06-20 11:35:37 UTC  

Life is not about how much we have, how big our house is, how nice our car is, how much money we have in the bank, Or how many people follow us or know us. Life is about the Lives we change, the lives we reach out to and the lives we pull from the fire of hell. We its all said and done and we stand before the Father we all will fall on our knees, and he will either say "well done thy good and faithful servant" or "depart from me I never knew you" My prayer for each and every one of you today is that you are so full of the Power of God that is someone pokes you, Jesus comes flowing out. Our time is short and the fields are ripe. Lets bring in this harvest. God I hold each and every Patriot up to you. I speak Blessings over their lives today, Father I ask that you be their guide and their shield. Father I speak that where there is hate you bring Love, where there is sorrow you bring Joy, where there is torment you bring Peace. Father I cover each and everyone with the Blood of Jesus, I speak theirs minds are strong, Their bodies are strong, They can do all things through Christ who strengthens them. they are the Head today and not the Tail, they are above only and not beneath. I speak that Nations call them blessed of the Lord. Father I thank you for meeting each and every need according to your riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Bless each and every one and Surround them with Love Father in Jesus name I pray...AMEN

2019-06-20 16:47:19 UTC  

Hello does anyone know if there are belgian patriots in here somewhere?

2019-07-07 06:52:54 UTC  

Is any body in Germany know my family, Tony Kruger my cousin.

2019-07-13 16:58:52 UTC

2019-08-03 13:56:30 UTC

2019-11-23 14:04:47 UTC

2019-11-23 14:07:47 UTC  

der Kampf gut gegen böse hat begonnen, ich hoffe das wir guten gewinnen , es ist die letzte Chance in dem endkampf

2020-01-26 18:38:41 UTC  
2020-01-26 21:04:23 UTC  

Hello There I’ll get back to you later. Working on Kobe Bryant Death now

2020-02-01 22:01:56 UTC  

Hello There How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t got back to you sooner, but I have been involved with some health issues. I live in Southern Ontario Canada. Winter time now and we’re not having a severe one but I still cannot stand the cold. So. I know very little about Germany, other than a few cities and some of the History of the Country dating back a couple hundred years. If you please, tell me about yourself and whereabouts you are (Generally of course). I m Glad you gave me a shout out and look forward to hearing from you. Charles

2020-02-14 21:06:07 UTC  

The Inconvenient Truth About Von der Leyen, Corruptie viert hoogtij in #Brussel
Von der Leyen is our Weakest minister, that's enough to become Commission president

2020-02-18 23:48:33 UTC  

Within a month it seemed Germany has changed over to Another Power and they called it Currency, and boy it was great at first and fell to lows they are now. Maybe not a month, but to the people it felt that way because they had no say really.