Message from @D3VNT
Discord ID: 277821853081534474
Go super saiyan god
Oh hey goy.
literally shaking
im not a computer nerd
Keep in mind Antifa will create fake accounts here and record what you talk about with the purpose of discrediting you and proving your alt-right nazis.
Lol you have Discord
I'm not a Nazi
But damn
are you going to give me an eugenics lecture
Those uniforms
@Steven wat
@D3VNT kek
Yes we are.
do you think some of us aren't NatSoc?
I mean I'm not but this guy sure is
And that's fine
dont clap erase clap nazi clap voices Guys check this out
aye, we're here to stop commies
Bowser, my shill friend. Let me explain our cause in one image for you.
I mean I'm an actual crossdressing, drug-using, degenerate homo faggot
there you go.
nothing wrong with working together in that regard
But I fucking hate communists
radicalised from online
For god and for country, we will vanquish communism
I radicalized and want to destroy communism as well
whateber bitch
I am ISIS @bowser
Someone should link the Anticom shit under her video. She posted this video as soon as we started to become organized.
As long as I can vanquish communism while occasionally wearing a cute skirt
Me too
We are also one more thing