Message from @hellcat

Discord ID: 665594665608675378

2020-01-11 15:49:16 UTC  

i think you are right @ImOnly21 and we better wake

2020-01-11 15:51:01 UTC  

Trump might be the second comming i hope so

2020-01-11 15:51:25 UTC  

I agree, God wins, but frustrating seeing the sleepers refuse to wake up

2020-01-11 15:51:54 UTC  

@zoomcat QSA it sure is

2020-01-11 15:51:56 UTC  

I'll say this. I used to think that we were way beyond 2 Chron 2 and that we were doomed but I think people have cried out to God, he has heard us and sent someone like DJT to heal our land and world. I have never been so excited about the future because I think God is prepaing to do a great work and as you hear on PSB all the time that we are all here for a reason and "a time such as this"

2020-01-11 15:53:03 UTC  

@ImOnly21 well said and i agree with everything you said

2020-01-11 15:55:15 UTC  

have to go eat now people wont be long

2020-01-11 15:55:35 UTC  

@hellcat that is the kind of think I am hoping to write about, the spiritual side of our battle. You also hear that a lot of PSB hosts on air and I have some personal experience in spirtual warfare. Hopeing to help others in that area also.

2020-01-11 15:56:15 UTC  

@ImOnly21 i sent monkeywoman a message about you hope she contacts you

2020-01-11 15:56:35 UTC  

it is weekend and may be off

2020-01-11 15:57:05 UTC  

Thanks, I was waiting for Radix to make the contacts but I know her and Pam a seriously overloaded and it will take time so in the meantime I am haning out meeting people

2020-01-11 16:01:08 UTC  

@ImOnly21 you should go on live chat some day and give a small bit of what you are talking about and they will ask you questions and you can answer them as you please long as it is not calling an one down the should not be called down

2020-01-11 16:06:48 UTC  

i have be a little careful about live chat. do not want to dox myself just yet. My story is a little scary to some, unbelivable to others and conterversial to many in the Christian community (which is quite surprising)

I am going to see where this goes. the powers at PSB may look at my story and say it is not a direction they want to go right or may put me on air to share my expereince.

Only time will tell

2020-01-11 16:10:26 UTC  

@ImOnly21 go on monday night at five eastern with pam and tell him to stop you if you are gettint out of line he will he ownes the channel he is the best one to go on with

2020-01-11 16:12:35 UTC  

some in the "Christian community are not Christian in their words or their deeds . It surprised me also

2020-01-11 16:14:17 UTC  

@zoomcat QSA there is bad apples every where you go i would not worry about the bad apples they are all ready bad

2020-01-11 16:18:31 UTC  

@hellcat I am usually a work at that time. I get to listen to them but I have a job that has me working a lot so figuring out when I can do that is hard. I Am not setup with mikes and stuff on my computer. Would have to use my phone which could be a pain but I'll take what you say under consideration. If PSB is OK with my message I want to take a little time to make it a more deliberate message in that there is a lot to cover so I want to make sure I have all my ducks lined up and have some time to ease people into the deeper parts of my story. If I just deep drive the first time I may lose or confuse people. One of those things I have learned over the years that too much truth too soon can hurt your message. In todays world you have to ease a little of people there or they fight back

2020-01-11 16:18:43 UTC  

I'll still pray for them though, as I was once a bad apple myself

2020-01-11 16:22:09 UTC  

@ImOnly21 eighties erin is on this afternoon for i think four hours at least three and she has an open link and she is reas smart i would try and get on when she comes on today i think she could talk to you a lot better than pam could not calling pam down but i think eighties erin is real smart and good

2020-01-11 16:25:53 UTC  

yes i believe you have to go easyat first as well @ImOnly21 but as far as i can see you are smart enough to do that on your owne and using a phone lots of people use phones if you dont have a headset with a mike at home where you can put it on and speak i went out and bought one just to do that

2020-01-11 16:35:34 UTC  

@zoomcat QSA i was too zoomcat but i am seventy two now and not bad apple any more i hope so anyway i live on common sence now and it is pretty good and i am a christian as well

2020-01-11 16:47:49 UTC  

@ImOnly21 look up high to the left you have a message

2020-01-11 16:48:02 UTC  

you will see it

2020-01-11 16:50:47 UTC  

@hellcat Smart enough? Depnends on how you look at it. Been beaten over the herd a few times by other beleivers so I have leared to temper my message a little. so if we can say "beaten about the head before I leanred" = "smart enough" then are correct - LOL :)

Saw your suggestion. I tried to list on the weekends when I can and I like 80's erin. I am working again to do so having the time to do that is kind of hard. it is easy to stop and type for a minute or two than have that time to be on-air right now. I'll look into it if I can get some time today

2020-01-11 16:52:42 UTC  

i will be listing to her today and if you come on i will hear you less the wife sends me somewhere

2020-01-11 16:53:20 UTC  

unserstand that. even thought I am working today I still have to run out do the same

2020-01-11 16:53:50 UTC  

i dont let her go to much we are in our seventies now and it is easier for me to do most things

2020-01-11 16:56:35 UTC  

@ImOnly21 you could do the same with your writing you may have to change a lot but you will still get your messae out i am sure of that just by chating with you you are not religious with me on here and you still get your mesage across

2020-01-11 16:59:20 UTC  

@hellcat "Relegious people" scare a bit. They are they ones who says you have to this or you cant do that because the chruch or Bible says so. I try to think of myself as more of a Godly or God fearing (in the proper sense of the word - respectful of power and magisty) with life experience that tends to go against what the "relegious people" think and say but I can assure you that life expereince had God all over it

2020-01-11 16:59:22 UTC  

believe me i got a brother that founnd religion and it is so hard to talk to him it is not funny

2020-01-11 17:01:30 UTC  

i am the same way but i have never ready the bible and too old to start now but never miss mass it was drilled into me when i was young you would not dare miss mass or you were in trouble

2020-01-11 17:02:09 UTC  

but my brothers religion is not mine

2020-01-11 17:02:42 UTC  

What I have found is that most of the people like that know what the chruch or Bible says but do not know why or reason/culture behind it. When you learn some of that you beging to understand what it meant when it was written does not have the same meaning today. Good example, "turn the other cheek". does not mean be weak and passive. Once you understand the context behind it you get a whole differnt meaning

can you be 100% sure what was 'drilled' into you is correct?

2020-01-11 17:05:13 UTC  

see i live on common sence and i know what turn the other cheek means no we are never sure what we are learning is the truth

2020-01-11 17:06:08 UTC  

that is where common sence comes in and you let it in one war and out the other

2020-01-11 18:27:22 UTC  

@ImOnly21 monkeywoman wants you to message her in pm

2020-01-11 18:27:58 UTC  

will do in a few minutes. thanks for the contact

2020-01-11 18:30:01 UTC  

her nick is the last green one down before you get to mine nick on right right click onher nick annd message her not mention message hat will put you in privet messsage

2020-01-11 18:31:07 UTC  

she has the monkey on the anchor avatar? I just pinged her to let her know I was reaching out to her

2020-01-11 18:31:21 UTC  


2020-01-11 18:31:58 UTC  

she just messaged me to tell you to call her