Message from @tattered flag

Discord ID: 666067177048113172

2020-01-12 11:54:36 UTC  

Anyone good at memes - i need one that conveys the idea that ( For every non-citizen registered to vote. A CITIZEN has had his or hers vote silenced and invalidated! ).

2020-01-12 11:57:49 UTC  

Good Morning all!

2020-01-12 19:59:32 UTC  

@TinaAnon Hello there, if you need any help @tatteredflag is the best

2020-01-12 20:43:20 UTC  

is there some way to set a different name in live chat. I want to use the same name in live chat as I have here but the only way I know to do that is to create a new google user with the same name (ImOnly21) and log in to youtute with that. Right now my user will dox me in live chat and I would prefer not to do that this time

2020-01-12 21:13:02 UTC  

@ImOnly21 If you're using a Gmail account, you have to change your name on Gmail itself

2020-01-12 21:22:37 UTC  

@Debbie thanks, I figured that was the case. I am really not using gmail for anything important (junk, backup, andriod stuff) or that often so maybe it is not as big a deal as I thought to just change the email display name. Maybe I can do that. Only problem is my email address would stay the same and may get out if I respond to the wrong thing

I have been following PSB for a few years now (I like hearing you on air BTW - good discussions) and finally getting around to being more directly involved. just not ready to fully dox myself yet :)

I'll give that a try and see what happens.

2020-01-12 21:24:01 UTC  


2020-01-12 21:30:14 UTC  

@ImOnly21 You can make a throwaway Gmail account that isn't tied to you personally and just use it for YouTube and whatnot. That way you're much less likely to doxx yourself.

Also, thank you for the compliment! I love getting on air and taking part in the discussion.

2020-01-12 21:35:40 UTC  

@Debbie That was the option I was thinking about. Was hoping there was an easier way to do it. Have not checked to see if the name ImOnly21 is available. I'll check and see.

Everything on my [Andriod] phone is tied my current gmail account. I think you can use a different account on youtube than what the phone is logged in as. IF that is the case, I am good

Thanks again for the advice. I'll be listening for you

2020-01-12 21:37:23 UTC  

@everyone strategy meeting ❤️

2020-01-12 21:37:23 UTC  

@Debbie did you get into Zoom

2020-01-12 21:37:33 UTC  

There it is @Debbie

2020-01-12 21:55:29 UTC  

@ImOnly21 you can change your discord name in the discord settings

2020-01-12 21:58:41 UTC  

@imig if I understand things correctly if I am on youtube live chat the name I am using to log into google/youtube shows up if I post a message there which is my real name. My discord name is what I want it to be [for now]. Is there a way make the discord name show up in live chat?

2020-01-12 21:59:58 UTC  

oh your just trying to change your youtube name.

yes you have to go into account settings in your gmail account and change the name set in your account.

2020-01-12 22:00:36 UTC  

after that it may take some time to update to youtube, like a day or two.

2020-01-12 22:03:12 UTC  

good to know. I think Harbed may have the right idea of just creating a new gmail account with the same name if it is open and log in with that. It would be the only way to keep personal and PSB separate

After I thought about it just changing the display name may open me up to doxing when I do other things with the account

2020-01-12 23:31:19 UTC  

@Pamphlet Anon Sorry I missed the meeting. I’ve been sick for that few days and haven’t been on discord very much.

2020-01-12 23:36:20 UTC  

@Deb65 They are still yakking in the meeting if you still want to join to listen in

2020-01-12 23:50:54 UTC  
2020-01-12 23:53:09 UTC  

Do you see the link above?

2020-01-13 00:02:14 UTC  


2020-01-13 04:39:09 UTC  

Maybe old news, but if folks are concerned about wanting to see the show and live chat but dont want to use Youtube to do it because of reasons...why are you not using twitch, dlive or roku, or periscope or mixer?

2020-01-13 04:44:00 UTC  

we also stream from our own website

2020-01-13 04:44:51 UTC  

Right o, just responding to a patriots concerned voiced earlier to today. so many options.

2020-01-13 04:47:49 UTC  

Privacy I think now is being "not interesting" enough to merit attention. I dont think anyone could really hide for long. It may take years to locate you, but the Gov never gives up if they really want you.

2020-01-13 04:50:50 UTC  

The average person has to consider how much money they want to spend to find a person. Some point I guess the money vs what I want you for comes into play.

2020-01-13 04:53:47 UTC  

The Gov has no end to the funds or time, which I suppose makes it hard to push against, They can be wrong but bankrupt you in the process with no reimbursement.

2020-01-13 04:57:19 UTC  

For me, my personal story is one of spiritual warfare. I get more pushback from "Believers" and prefer spending my time ministering to others who need it, not defending my personal testimony of deliverance and healing. Using a different name may slow others down and most people are not going to look that hard. If the gvt wants me, well that is a whole new level 🙂

2020-01-13 05:06:20 UTC  

God knows who you are, so does the Adversary. Not sure about having to defend ones salvation, figured God/Jesus can defend better than I ever could. Seems to me you have no choice but to be yourself because everyone else is taken.

2020-01-13 05:15:16 UTC  

Yeah I get the putting on whole armor of God thing. There are some vicious attacks out there seeking to ruin your testimony. Slipped up many times and will probably do it again. Not everyone is going to love you as you are finding out no doubt. You can only count on Jesus to love you still at your worst and lowest moments right?

2020-01-13 05:18:49 UTC  

It is not so much about me failures/slip ups as being told I can be a believer or truly saved because of the way I was healed from years of depression and other direct battles I have had with the enemy

2020-01-13 05:23:19 UTC  

Well what does the word say? If you have confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believed in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you are saved. Rm 10: 9,10. Welcome to the kingdom.

2020-01-13 05:27:20 UTC  

I have been saved for almost 30 years and had several miracles from God. It is those miracles I have to spend time defending because other " believers" say it can't happen

2020-01-13 05:31:37 UTC  

Stop defending and only share with those who wish to listen. You have heard of the saying of casting pearls before swine? There's your trouble. Miracles are for believers to bolster their faith and not for the unlearned.

2020-01-13 05:36:49 UTC  

What do you know about the indwelling of the Holy spirt and its manifestations? It is different than gift ministries. Performing miracles is part of a gift ministry directly from God happens very rarely. But having unexplainable blessings happen to you is just a benefit of being in the family.

2020-01-13 05:39:11 UTC  

Understood. It is late here. I need to shut down for the night and get to early.

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe we can pick up again later

Good night

2020-01-13 05:40:14 UTC  

ok, but look into Galations 5 to see what you should be getting as a believer now with the spirit indwelling.

2020-01-13 05:40:28 UTC  

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

2020-01-13 10:59:44 UTC  
2020-01-13 13:13:26 UTC  

@RickBulow74 Wow, lot's of interesting stuff there!