Message from @Banned_Shadow

Discord ID: 681268146534875142

2020-02-23 22:25:38 UTC  

Back. thats better ahhh.

2020-02-23 22:26:06 UTC  

@Deleted User you will get a message from a bot whan you advance it wont take long for the first one

2020-02-23 22:27:44 UTC  

Been taking the National Liberty Alliance course(s) and been mostly on PSB livechat past few months. Things seemed to have gotten out of whack two or three months ago. Became too annoying, so went back to PSB livechat.

2020-02-23 22:28:40 UTC  

i know @the Steward that is why i went to casual chat for a couple months

2020-02-23 22:28:55 UTC  

A bot? ๐Ÿ‘ thanks for the heads up. id probably would have ended chat if a bot popped up๐Ÿ˜€

2020-02-23 22:29:36 UTC  

Just waiting for a text from Microsoft for a computer upgrade, computer is at t he 'doctors' right now.

2020-02-23 22:29:45 UTC  

@Deleted User great now if you ever want to go on live chat you can after pre screening

2020-02-23 22:30:16 UTC  

you on the phone now are you steward

2020-02-23 22:30:23 UTC  

no bot yet

2020-02-23 22:30:48 UTC  

well you went to e1

2020-02-23 22:31:15 UTC  

and you got no message yet did you

2020-02-23 22:32:06 UTC  

hmm. id better look around. no msg other than us 3 in chat

2020-02-23 22:32:21 UTC  

@Deleted User left click on your pick and you will see it

2020-02-23 22:32:53 UTC  

sunday never many around on sunday

2020-02-23 22:33:40 UTC  

Thanks also a blue smiley face with a #2 on it

2020-02-23 22:34:45 UTC  

Just got the code and should get my 2d laptop back maybe today. Cool.

2020-02-23 22:34:52 UTC  

@Deleted User i dont see the the smiley face

2020-02-23 22:35:44 UTC  

@the Steward good i am going to set up another laptop this week i hope this one just about had the bisquit

2020-02-23 22:36:01 UTC  

Saw a Smiley face safety vest at a thrift store. I was sooo tempted to get it.

2020-02-23 22:36:20 UTC  

wow that bisket was bad spelling a

2020-02-23 22:36:23 UTC  

you totally should have!

2020-02-23 22:36:36 UTC  

It seems to be another chat outside of psb. The Bot. ๐Ÿ˜

2020-02-23 22:36:47 UTC  

I may never get the chance again. kek

2020-02-23 22:37:06 UTC  

yes a bot is the one that sends the message

2020-02-23 22:37:08 UTC  

I have been meaning to pick up a safety vest and old hard hat. Put those on, and you can go anywhere!! : )

2020-02-23 22:37:30 UTC  

You look better in yellow, TrumpsSword. Congrats!

2020-02-23 22:38:22 UTC  

@Deleted User you can also change that pick to one that you would like better of leave it if you want to

2020-02-23 22:38:33 UTC  

Oh yeah not purpleish blue anymore๐Ÿง

2020-02-23 22:39:02 UTC  

nope just a bright yellow lol

2020-02-23 22:39:25 UTC  

Sharing... "I live in a country where my child can submit to an abortion and a vaccination without my knowledge or consent. However, if that same child does not want to undergo chemotherapy, she will be taken away from me and forced to undergo modern day poisoning by the state.

I live in a country where I'm allowed to smoke and drink and destroy my health because I'm free, but I cannot use a natural mineral to cure disease or I could be jailed.

I live in a country where it's legal to spray cancer-causing pesticides on the food my family eats and it's legal to put the neurotoxin fluoride in my drinking water. But if I want to boost my children's immunity with vit A and C, instead of vaccines, my children will be kicked out of school.

I live in a country where it's legal to kill my unborn child, but once that child is a citizen, I am no longer viewed as the best person to make decisions for that child.

I live in a country where I could be fired from my job for refusing a flu shot that is only 10% effective and loaded with the neurotoxin mercury.

I live in a country owned by pharmaceutical companies and my children have been sold for profit. I am a slave. A slave to corporate America. My children are not mine. They belong to the state.

BUT, I live in a country that was founded on freedom and liberty. That blood still runs through me. The desire to be free. If you are afraid to stand up to your government, then it is time to replace that government.

When you live in fear, you have tyranny. When the government fears you, you have liberty. Stand up and the country I just described can be changed. We the people must change it. We cannot rely on the politicians to do what's right anymore because they are all bought and owned and they are selling us out too.

Stand up to the bullying and discrimination from our own government and take this country back! It belongs to the people, not greedy drug companies!"

~a friend

2020-02-23 22:39:25 UTC  

Am I baby chit brown, or burnt orange? lol

2020-02-23 22:40:11 UTC  

Do you have any Rudyard Kipling?

2020-02-23 22:40:38 UTC  

Good Stuff @Kim Joyce

2020-02-23 22:40:55 UTC  

Burnt ๐ŸŠ

2020-02-23 22:41:19 UTC  

Banned, You are a beautiful burnished gold.

2020-02-23 22:41:51 UTC  

CORRECT your STATUS, then reclaim your children. CPS and the G O V will no longer have a claim of Jurisdiction. ==> RE: I live in a country owned by pharmaceutical companies and my children have been sold for profit. I am a slave. A slave to corporate America. My children are not mine. They belong to the state.

2020-02-23 22:41:57 UTC  

@Banned_Shadow but you are also e3 too @Deleted User will get there

2020-02-23 22:42:53 UTC  

I am all about THAT subject, Banned. You don't want to get me started.

2020-02-23 22:43:09 UTC  

Darn - When I left the Army i was an E4, I must have been demoted. (again) : )

2020-02-23 22:43:16 UTC  

@Deleted User each jump you take takes a little longer to get and the farther you go the longer it takes to get that jump

2020-02-23 22:44:26 UTC  

@Banned_Shadow that is all right at least you are out of army