Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 683495608769708109

2020-02-29 23:50:46 UTC  

It took me about 10 messages then rank got high enough

2020-02-29 23:51:11 UTC  

@Deleted User ok should I get it soon then where do you live?

2020-02-29 23:51:44 UTC  

@Deleted User yes think I did it but late here now maybe I will try a show Monday

2020-02-29 23:51:55 UTC  

In a house 😆 NW Wisconsin😁

2020-02-29 23:52:47 UTC  
2020-02-29 23:54:39 UTC  

Where is the virus getting real bad? Is your Location under a stay-at-home order? @Deleted User

2020-02-29 23:54:59 UTC  
2020-02-29 23:56:01 UTC  

@Deleted User but some of my friends

2020-02-29 23:57:09 UTC  

hey, look, you might be able to call in. you turned yellow axa rank 3 👍👍👍👍

2020-02-29 23:57:44 UTC  

@Deleted User I see but late here so maybe some of the shows Monday do any of the morning shows do it?

2020-03-01 00:00:24 UTC  

Im working weekdays, I don't go online so don't know. Tomorrow [Sunday] sometimes callins are asked for.

2020-03-01 00:02:49 UTC  

Seems won’t let me join

2020-03-01 00:03:04 UTC  

They moved me oh well guess I will delete my account bye

2020-03-01 00:03:36 UTC  

it takes time@Deleted User

2020-03-01 01:28:04 UTC  

Hi all! I’m brand-new to the PSB Discord thing. I hope everyone is having a good one.

2020-03-01 01:52:43 UTC  

Waing for the spring melt.

2020-03-01 01:57:34 UTC  

@gavin giant Say it aint True😩

2020-03-01 02:01:38 UTC  

Criticism is a hard pill to swallow

2020-03-01 02:03:54 UTC  


2020-03-01 02:04:53 UTC  

Hi all👋 Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 11:40 AM EST, Author of the Book “Trump is Not Racist” and Republican Candidate for Georgia’s 6th CD, Mykel Barthelemy will join the show!

The Sunday Source 10AM - 12Pm Sunday’s EST

2020-03-01 02:07:31 UTC  

Of course. Maybe they liked to burn ants with magnifying glass. Read between the lines.

2020-03-01 02:10:37 UTC  

I don't know anyone, for sure. It's an interesting, informational platform. But Chat is just chat. imo.

2020-03-01 02:23:00 UTC  


2020-03-01 02:23:47 UTC  

You're across the pond then.

2020-03-01 02:26:35 UTC  

Never been there. Maybe you'll give a Constitutional Republic a chance. The winds of Change seem to be blowing in your neighborhood.

2020-03-01 02:28:45 UTC  

Waterford and Sheffield gave it away. I used to watch 'Are You Being Served"

2020-03-01 02:30:34 UTC  

Marine Climate

2020-03-01 02:32:17 UTC  


2020-03-01 02:33:48 UTC  

Vestibules are priceless

2020-03-01 02:36:27 UTC  

Used to catch that show years ago when only 3 tv channels were available. Wasn't much choice. Captive audience😁

2020-03-01 02:39:34 UTC  

Comedian? im on his YouTube channel now. subscribed. Thanks I'll get check it out

2020-03-01 02:42:42 UTC  

Im a George Carlin fan. I'll get the humor

2020-03-01 02:47:46 UTC  

Political Correctness and easily triggered adult children will be our undoing

2020-03-01 02:50:45 UTC  

they'll get broken fingers from me.

2020-03-01 02:53:21 UTC  

Its been fun. im gonna switch discord off Goodnight or er... Good morning over there😁

2020-03-01 08:22:20 UTC  

Gavin making stuff up again to PROJECT his own flaws onto others. Lame. And Pathetic.

2020-03-01 08:24:28 UTC  

YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS and the fact that you are so focused on Gummo when he hasnt even said a word to you, has blocked you and also has screen shots of him asking you not to talk to him, you are only revealing your OWN TRUE COLORS which pretty much every one here is already aware of Gavin. Thanks for exposing YOURSELF

2020-03-01 08:25:43 UTC  

Gummo has screenshots of his own Gavin. Know them by their FRUITS🍇🍉🍒🍋🍓🍉

2020-03-01 08:34:29 UTC  

And actually Gavin this all started becuz i noticed you making posts with PURE LEFTISTS TALKING POINTS in em and when i called you out and asked you what you ment you tried to talk crap to me and in turn, you got some talked back to you. Its hilarious how much of a liar and PROTECTION ARTIST you are and the fact that you are so focused on me says alot. Wanna tell everyone what you said about Americans having guns Gavin or should i post that too??? Or maybe about how you claim our fentynal problem is all "home grown" in the "south" of out country and not being mailed in from China or trafficked from mexico??? Thats how this REALLY got started Gavin and since you want to bring up "muh screenshots, muh screenshots" then i have PLENTY of my own that will be posted here as soon as i am given permission to do so. Unlike you i dont just go wherever the broken wind takes me. STOP PROJECTION YOUR OWM LEFTIST QUALITIES ONTO OTHERS GAVIN.....YOU ARE THE LEFTIST YOU JUST ARENT ABLE TO SEE IT YET.

2020-03-01 09:07:25 UTC  

Trump: Maybe this is the calm before the storm.
Media: What storm mr president?
Trump: Oh I'm planning to arrest 150,000 people across the world but mainly in America for massive crimes against humanity.
Media: Wha wha what!? Ooh oooh oh ooh hohohooh.
Quick to the underground bunkers!!!

2020-03-01 09:08:35 UTC  

what is QAnon
what is QAnon
the name Q and Anon
Q= Question
Anon = Anonymous
QAnon =Questions to Anons
QAnon is
>National Security

Q is not a Person Q ist a Legion
we are speak all WWG1WGA
what is WWG1WGA
>Where We Go 1 We Go All

what is Q Insperation
>Dark to Light
Dark to Light is all the Top Secret
>Secret Operations
thats all to Open

QAnon is 12 Monkeys
12 Monkeys is
Trumps Secret Service

we have it all Deepstate, Criminals and other expect us we are Anonymous