Message from @BibleBot

Discord ID: 669755703031758848

2020-01-21 19:47:13 UTC  

Isaiah 1:10-15 KJV

2020-01-21 19:47:14 UTC  

2020-01-21 22:29:51 UTC  

Can you pray for me? I went to doctor today. My blood pressure is up. They sent me to get a chest X-ray, checking for pneumonia. Will get X-ray results back tomorrow.

2020-01-21 22:49:39 UTC  

God does not give anyone more than they can withstand WITH HIS HELP. Somedays I wish God didn't trust me so much with the things He allows to come my way. The more I work on what God wants, the more Satin tries to cause havock in my family. Please pray for my family. My kids, my siblings & their kids and even others close are going through tremendous trials right now. I know God's will is going to be done because I trust His word. It just gets hard waiting & watching things that I have no real control over. Pray that God will heal the sick, soften hearts of those hurting & refresh the spirit in all of us. Most of all pray that those who don't know Him or have left Him aside will turn to Him & find peace. Thank you my dear friends for you support.

2020-01-22 00:12:00 UTC  


2020-01-22 00:12:05 UTC  

2020-01-22 03:23:20 UTC  

@Suzieq @Beverly Snyder Jesus said, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome all the power of the enemy".

2020-01-22 03:24:16 UTC  

Luke 10:19 KJV

2020-01-22 03:24:17 UTC  

2020-01-22 03:24:52 UTC  


2020-01-22 03:45:52 UTC  

@Shadetree49 Thank you!

2020-01-22 15:50:51 UTC  

Revelation 22:20-21 kjv

2020-01-22 15:50:52 UTC  

2020-01-22 18:18:44 UTC  

My time here may pass before the Lord comes but I know that if I stand for Him here, He will stand for me there.

2020-01-22 22:09:18 UTC  


2020-01-22 22:09:18 UTC  

2020-01-22 22:57:16 UTC  

Pray for heage of protection a round president for 2/4 2020. Something going happen.

2020-01-23 03:49:52 UTC  

Proverbs 10:19 KJV

2020-01-23 03:49:53 UTC  

2020-01-23 04:10:02 UTC  


2020-01-23 04:10:03 UTC  

2020-01-23 10:10:03 UTC  


2020-01-23 10:10:04 UTC  

2020-01-23 13:01:43 UTC  

Here’s a prayer for today.
according to Philippians 4:8
I declare that my thoughts are governed only by things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious — the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Father, renew my mind with your word. Cause it to transform my thoughts so that my speech is in perfect alignment with what your word says I can do and be.
In Jesus name, amen.

2020-01-23 13:01:44 UTC  

2020-01-23 14:19:08 UTC  


2020-01-23 16:11:01 UTC  


2020-01-23 16:11:01 UTC  

2020-01-24 02:40:20 UTC  

Proverbs 2: 8-12 KJV

2020-01-24 02:41:06 UTC  

Proverbs 2:8-12 KJV

2020-01-24 02:41:07 UTC  

2020-01-24 18:28:40 UTC  

I've been thinking about something and want to share my thoughts. Looking at what Jesus said about, "Narrow is the way and strait is the gate, and but few there be that find it". It makes me wonder about the majority of mankind and how it is they cannot understand the Kingdom of God. Based on what I understand of the scriptures and observations of human nature, I would propose this theory, (my idea - you don't have to agree with it). While I agree that "all men are created equal" in most respects, it seems that in the case of spiritual understanding and ability there are things that get in the way, either early on or that crop up later in life. The word 'crop' here reminds me of the parable of the sower as found in Luke 8:5-15 KJV.

2020-01-24 18:28:41 UTC  

2020-01-24 20:42:47 UTC  

@Shadetree49 true , God created man for good... so we all were created equal . During that process we were given the choice of free will. Those who choose to do what they do will end up either on that path (hot) or away from it ( cold) and sometimes even walking in between (lukewarm) . Sometimes we find ourselves jumping from one to the other , others more or less which then either gives us wisdom and righteousness or foolishness and ignorance. We as christians must always stay on that path that leads to the kingdom of God and seek discernment but not everyone does . Either by false doctorine , false teachers and so on. God says "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh."

Psychology is one of the tools of the devil , its theory of man not of God for only god knows whats in the heart . I know many who lean more on the understanding of psychology (mans knowledge) versus just the bible and are good christians but end up judging people based on mans knowledge instead of using the bibles tools to help others which then just ends up being damaging to those they think they are helping bringing to God . Theres a lot of stuff that makes us go off path but if we just focus on Gods words and righteous god given teachers of the word of God then we can't go wrong ....

2020-01-24 20:46:29 UTC  

An article states and is very true...

Psychology has its roots in ancient philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. None of these men were worshipers of the true and living God. At best, they believed in a god that was not involved in the affairs of men, and at worse they worshiped multiple pagan gods.
Modern psychology was brought to the forefront by Sigmund Freud in the late nineteenth century. Freud certainly wasn’t a godly man. He was obsessed with sex and linked every problem of man to the sexual drive. This man had serious problems, even his most devoted followers admitted that.
Here is the point: If the root is bad, then the tree has to be bad. Jesus said this very plainly in Matthew 7:17-18:
“Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

2020-01-24 20:46:30 UTC  

2020-01-24 22:04:38 UTC  
2020-01-25 00:42:01 UTC  

@akitche Thank you for sharing Avi Kaplan. I'm always searching for new Christian music and I love this! God bless! 😀

2020-01-25 03:11:45 UTC  
2020-01-25 05:08:54 UTC  

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 KJV

2020-01-25 05:08:54 UTC