Message from @Dyno
Discord ID: 681745451229511780
Romans 1:16-18 KJV
Romans 3:3-8 KJV
Let’s ramp up chapel voice again and start praying.
Especially against corona virus pestilence.
Sorry I can't seem to keep a working mike. Will be praying, whether it's an unusual pestilence or a regular flu. Whether it's some other situation manufactured by the deep state.
Proverbs 27:19 KJV
Do you notice the difference here? To exchange mind for heart points back to my previous post about knowledge versus wisdom. When men manhandle the word of God they are bound to miss the finer points.
is everything ok with prayer warrior ? i haven't seen her today.
@cowboyRik She works a normal job and has family. She is very faithful but I'm sure things get in the way sometimes. Prayer is always appropriate however, as you feel led. Many of us are retired and can spend more time. All things considered, she does an amazing job.
Job 28:28
[28]And this is what he says to all humanity:
‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
to forsake evil is real understanding.’”
@Cindy Jo I notice you have posted a couple of times concerning the Sabbath. Have you entered into the Sabbath rest in Christ?
@Shadetree49 I have to remind myself daily to rest in the Lord at all times and in all circumstances. There is no true rest without Christ.
Prayer request, for a friend, Beny is diabetic, high blood presser due to stress and had to get a blood transfusion - anemia. He has been in and out of the hospital due to bronchitis and lung/breathing issues
He is in California
I pray that he doesn’t have the coronavirus, he travels
FOR MY FRIEND IN CANADA - Please pray for CARIN. I have completely lost my voice with Laryngitis. I am taking appropriate steps to recover and continuing to work on line. Thank you for covering me.
There are two sayings, among many, that proceed from the mouths of men. As far as men are concerned, they hold true to some extent. The first is, 'Familiarity breeds contempt'. The second is the antithesis, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'. This, by and large, describes the situation among people. On the one hand, our personalities (with some exceptions) tend to drive us apart, while on the other hand we long for each others company. When we have entered into a true and deep relationship with our Maker through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the tables are suddenly turned. There is a bond that goes beyond the physical and emotional and settles into the very core of our being. The very Lord of heaven takes up His abode in our heart. We could no more grow tired of His presence than we could grow tired of breathing. In fact, when the breath is gone from our body, He is still with us to carry us over the river to that bright land that is waiting for us there.
I used to complain because I had no shoes.
@Muddy&Wolf The page you referenced has already been made, to me at least. unavailable.
Aww- so sorry. It is a gif of a soldier with no legs, in a wheelchair doing upside down push ups across two barbells in a gym. A veteran.
Now why would they consider that bad? Go figure.