Message from @Dyno
Discord ID: 682275697019846704
I used to complain because I had no shoes.
@Muddy&Wolf The page you referenced has already been made, to me at least. unavailable.
Aww- so sorry. It is a gif of a soldier with no legs, in a wheelchair doing upside down push ups across two barbells in a gym. A veteran.
Now why would they consider that bad? Go figure.
Mathew 19:16-26
Daniel 12:10 KJV
I brought up the KJV version because I noticed the RSV says that many will purify themselves. If that were possible, Jesus Christ wouldn't have had to come and suffer the death of the cross for our sake. Who can purify themselves? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There are none good except for God. If you are filled with Gods Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, then God looks at the sin already judged and forgiven. Not at your flesh in it's weakness.
@Shadetree49 interesting seems theres a real split between all the many version out there where like half of them have it one way the rest the other,
some examples
Daniel 12:10 ASV
Daniel 12:10 AMPC
Daniel 12:10 CEB
Daniel 12:10 CJB
Daniel 12:10 ERV
Daniel 12:10 ESV
Daniel 12:10 ESVUK
@imig Of the examples shown here, it seems the KJV is the only one that leaves the purifying to God alone. I will leave the door open for man to agree with the means of the purifying, though it be hard on the flesh. It takes a willing participant, after all.