Message from @BibleBot

Discord ID: 686186106927972373

2020-03-07 18:26:04 UTC  


2020-03-07 18:26:05 UTC  

2020-03-07 19:04:46 UTC  

1 Timothy 6:12 KJV

2020-03-07 19:04:47 UTC  

2020-03-07 19:23:45 UTC  

Do you see the difference in the interpretation by differing versions. The RSV says that you were called 'when' you 'made the good confession'. The KJV says you 'are' called (present tense) 'and' (conjunction) professed a good profession. The RSV ties your calling to the point at which you confess. The KJV does not, opening the door for predestination. Romans 8:29-30 KJV

2020-03-07 19:23:46 UTC  

2020-03-07 19:26:18 UTC  

Your calling was from before time was. Notice in verse 30 he spells it out.

2020-03-07 19:28:02 UTC  

The point at which you acknowledge your calling is another matter.

2020-03-07 23:27:04 UTC  


2020-03-07 23:27:05 UTC  

2020-03-08 00:00:58 UTC  

Galatians 3:20-24 KJV

2020-03-08 00:00:59 UTC  

2020-03-08 03:27:26 UTC  

Proverbs 19:8-11
[8]To acquire wisdom is to love yourself;
    people who cherish understanding will prosper.
[9]A false witness will not go unpunished,
    and a liar will be destroyed.
[10]It isn’t right for a fool to live in luxury
    or for a slave to rule over princes!
[11]Sensible people control their temper;
    they earn respect by overlooking wrongs.

2020-03-08 03:27:27 UTC  

2020-03-08 04:28:02 UTC  


2020-03-08 04:28:03 UTC  

2020-03-08 09:29:03 UTC  


2020-03-08 09:29:04 UTC  

2020-03-08 12:18:33 UTC  

Sunday, March 8
You will know the truth, and
the truth will set you free.
—John 8:32.
That freedom includes freedom
from false religion, ignorance, and
superstition. And it involves more.
It will ultimately include “the glorious
freedom of the children of
God.” (Rom. 8:21) Taste that freedom
even now by ‘remaining in
Christ’s word,’ or teachings. (John
8:31) In this way, you will come to
“know the truth” not just by learning
about it but also by living it. In this
old system, even a so-called good
life is at best uncertain and short.
We do not know what tomorrow
will bring. (Jas. 4:13, 14) The wise
course, then, is to stay on the path
that leads to “the real life”—everlasting
life. (1 Tim. 6:19) Of course,
God does not force us to walk that
path. The choice is ours. Make Jehovah
your “portion.” (Ps. 16:5)
Cherish the many “good things” he
has given you. (Ps. 103:5) And have
faith that he can give you “abundant
joy” and “happiness . . . forever.”
—Ps. 16:11. w18.12 28 ˚19, 21

2020-03-08 12:18:36 UTC  

2020-03-08 12:18:36 UTC  

2020-03-08 12:18:36 UTC  

2020-03-08 12:18:36 UTC  

2020-03-08 12:18:37 UTC  

2020-03-08 12:18:41 UTC  

2020-03-08 14:29:29 UTC  

Count your blessings and be content in whatever state you find yourself.

2020-03-08 14:30:05 UTC  


2020-03-08 14:30:06 UTC  

2020-03-08 15:47:46 UTC  

Another old song - circa 1900 - Anonymous

2020-03-08 15:48:56 UTC  

Be Thou My Vision, O Lord of My Heart

2020-03-08 15:53:58 UTC  

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart - Naught be all else to me, save that thou art. - Thou my best thought, by day or by night - Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

2020-03-08 15:59:33 UTC  

Be thou my vision, and thou my true word - I ever with thee and thou with me Lord. - Thou my great Father, I thy true son. - Thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one.

2020-03-08 16:05:14 UTC  

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise - Thou mine inheritance, now and always. - Thou and Thou only, first in my heart - High King of heaven, my treasure thou art.

2020-03-08 16:10:52 UTC  

High King of heaven, my victory won. - May I reach heavens joys, O bright heavens Son. - Heart of my own heart, whatever befall - Still be my vision, O ruler of all. Amen

2020-03-08 19:31:03 UTC  


2020-03-08 19:31:04 UTC  

2020-03-08 23:01:58 UTC  

Hi everyone... I am stressed out tonight. I need cash to be able to get gas for my car... Been in a rental car for 11 months now, on the Lyft rental program. Still dealing with medical issues so it limits my ability to drive a lot of hours. In addition, I have a minimum trip requirement that must be met every week, and the first $250 I make is locked up for rental payment. I have been running negative every week for the past four weeks. I have already done 11/20 required trips this week, still have until 5am Pacific to finish, but gas tank is very low. Many weeks this past year I have either been negative or just barely positive. I can't afford my rent right now, and most days I am lucky to get more than one meal. I have had to rely on friends and family so much more than I wanted. But the situation is this right now... Unless I get some more gas money so I can drive tonight, I lose my car. If I lose the car, I have no transportation, and all of my jobs are now lost as I have no way to get to them and they rely on my having a car (tutor + census bureau later this month).

2020-03-09 00:32:04 UTC  


2020-03-09 00:32:04 UTC  

2020-03-09 00:39:37 UTC  

@freeflyingbutterfly Praying for you. I know your challenge. Been living on half Social Security. Every month is a challenge. God continues to provide but I have to swallow my pride.

2020-03-09 00:41:54 UTC  

@Shadetree49 I am so tired of this challenge every week.