Message from @Butterfly1Queen

Discord ID: 674818171416346636

2020-02-06 01:55:23 UTC  

Pipelines? SOTU?

2020-02-06 01:57:20 UTC  

Reject the coverup mobilization, not good. Pass this info around.

2020-02-06 02:11:04 UTC  
2020-02-06 02:15:48 UTC  

Can we please get some reassurance on this one? I view Trump through the same lens as any other President, so to see him pin this up creeps me out JUST a bit.

2020-02-06 02:16:19 UTC  

@Leppender its just a joke meant to trigger liberals. works pretty well at that too.

trump has explained during multiple rallies how that is its intent.

2020-02-06 02:17:56 UTC  

*facepalm* @imig I still have my concerns NOT specifically because of Trump, but because technology is getting so intense that one day we could see an American President who would live for thousands of years.

2020-02-06 02:20:10 UTC  

maybe in other countries,
in america our 2nd gaurantees we would never allow such dictatorship to pass.

2020-02-06 02:24:39 UTC  

That's my point though; if a President can joke about revoking a law that was written after the constitution, does that not set a precedent for (perhaps) a future democratic president to get rid of that limit?

2020-02-06 02:31:23 UTC  

quite the opposite, he baited the msm and the liberals into being outraged at such a joke,
they could never hope to endorse such an idea themselves without such apparent hypocrisy being called out.

2020-02-06 03:32:46 UTC

2020-02-06 04:23:05 UTC  

Future Space Force officer. o7, kid, and same to your Grandpa!
Nice Q pin!

2020-02-06 06:48:36 UTC

2020-02-06 08:47:45 UTC  


2020-02-06 10:32:17 UTC - News Briefing for February 6, 2020

I am continuously updating it throughout the morning, so check back often!