Message from @Red Label

Discord ID: 667285937470046219

2020-01-16 11:15:24 UTC - News Briefing for January 16, 2020

I am continuously updating throughout the morning, so check back often!

2020-01-16 19:56:03 UTC This is what NY sanctuary status causes.

2020-01-16 23:26:03 UTC  

i remember ground zero radio, same company, they used to broadcast out of portland oregon.... (comped)

that article calls trump a lier, says theres no such thing as god, calls us foolish for believing in afterlife, and promises a new coming holocaust soon...
then after all that, it promotes a netflix show... as if it couldnt *be* more apparent.

what drivel...

2020-01-16 23:28:12 UTC  

back when clyde lewis was on the portland radio i spoke to him once, called in. was trying to report something, i witnessed his tactics of obfuscation spin and redirection, firsthand.

dont trust dat guy is all im saying.
just my opinion.

2020-01-17 00:29:51 UTC  

A trusted News Source has had a Article Removed, just a Heads Up