Message from @wheredowegofromhereQ
Discord ID: 688957383162331158
Cruz was told by the voice in his head to buy the gun etc
Thanks for having us patriots. Love you all.
@southernjim personally i thought the MSM was highlighting toilet paper for one because the cabal loves toilet symbolism is defilement we see it in shill postings on Qresearch everyday for years now,
and for two because it slanders those who are prepping, mocks them makes them look stupid and foolish gets others to mock them and discourages people from stocking up and prepping cause no one wants to become the butt of the new joke.
couple of my family members work in grocery stores in two different states they both tell me the same thing, EVERYthing is selling out not just toilet paper, the media focusing on that one item is nonsense it isnt reality its just their angle, their spin.
Carry out still available
We are watching a revival from my Son in law's church. May we chat in abt 45 min?
@Thumper#2Thum... Nate The Butcher.. West Va.. Let Me Know What You Think
Be there in about 30 minutes.
I can call
Love's roxy and all y'all share
Had a different headset
I heard erin
Adrenochrome -> Ferritin and Iron (Fe2)/ Operation COVFEFE?
> Operation Coronavirus
> Operation COVID-19
> Operation COV Fe2
> Operation COVFEFE
cov refers to coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2),
and Fe is one the critical parts of adrenochrome.
Trump was redpilling the whole world
@Neilo could be i guess but consider this.
covfefe is arabic for "I will stand up" trump made the tweet right after flying back to the usa from arabia.
the only reason this ever became a mystery was because google censored the word from their translator after trump tweeted, for the sole purpose of creating this confusion
check out these relevant links.