Message from @tattered flag
Discord ID: 668232231025770496
What do I do now.
Just keep responding to my messages
I need to talk. I have intel.
Very good Intel.
About the VA rally?
This is going to be a trap. Set by the media!!
Antifa is part of it. Its serious.
I'm in VA. I have my daughters so I will not be there. Nope. They are 11 and 13. But I do have eyes on with video going.
Let me try.
Can you read this message now
Okay we need to keep going
I used to be able to move you up in rank but that is no longer possible
What do we need to do.
Keep sending messages
Will do.
All I know is Antifa is a big part of this.
The media as well
It is a big false flag.
Let me try.
Tap that item
Pre-Screening Voice
typicaly what occurs is antifa will try to blend in to the right pretending to be one of us then they will start a fight with the left and try to 'powder keg' set off the wholething into a massive fight.
Scroll down the main menu
@imig hijinx is level 1 and cannot access the Pre Screening Voice
remember the same sort of thing happening in portland awhile back.
he can access it he just joined it
He is using a phone so if I move him as soon as he keys up his mic he pops back into the help desk
Okay the Bot must have been busy
Cool Beans
Portland is a disaster
ya he is speakin in voice i hear him in there