Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 277274459461779457
Tricep dips for the armfat
Seig Heil
Crunches and situps like a motherfucker
Ave, Caesar!
Cut calories, high protein, eat walnuts
We need to make a Neo-Roman movement
like a vanguard?
Pax Pepe
I started cutting sugar out of my diet
only water n shieet
Hold on I'll get a good song
High protein, low saturated fats, high unsaturated fats, no polyfats
Listen to that
also ive got this issue where im a pussy when it comes to confrontation
tucker carlson makes me cringe when he starts getting mad at people
we'll toughen you up
i guess im a faggot
We can mould you
Triarii is awesome
I'm an actual faggot and I've never backed down from a fight
You jut a bitch
Triarii is amazing
i once said "those dark kids are trouble" in kindergarten and i got in a shitload of trouble
Lol when I was in first grade I asked why some of us were different colored skin, eyes, and hair
Do they want war or what
No trouble to be had
Please please please, don't turn into something like the (((American National Socialist Movement)))
we won't
it's good music tho