Message from @Burnside
Discord ID: 277281018593935360
Although let's avoid using something that could be compared to a swastika easily
Use roman imagery
Eagle with a crest
No swastika type
9mm and 40 s&w
I thought we were using 4 of clubs as our patch
Path of light, shadilay
Honestly it's simple and doesn't imply anything
Can't be twisted by media bullshit
It's just 4 of clubs
Theres something for religious imagery
Roman Pantheon
ChristKeks btfo
No spear 0/10
ew, tongue piercings
I was young and dumb
I'm a degen
Forreal, a Roman-esque movement would be good for AntiCom
But yeah, actual faggot defen here
Have you guys seen the untermensch neo-Nazi meme?
Eh, not gonna force my preference on other people. never was a big fan of piercings, but i don't hate people for thinking otherwise
Girls are easy
Unless we're talking one of those fuckheads who turn their face into a pincushion for a thousand needles
okay, blackjacket, yellow shirt, blue jeans with a belt. Y/N?
Dude you just need confidence
Oh fuck that
like a varsity jacket
From /k/
No surprise there
Work time, gg no re
Sleep tight anon