Message from @gabe_brouse
Discord ID: 277834436110974978
Old World needs our support from the kites
This was the consensus earlier
Me? No, but fuck liberals.
talking to @Verm btw
After hours of memeing
memes are not spicy
needs more vaccine
Memes belong in the meme channel.
Seattle is insanely liberal we litterly have thousands of homeless junkys. Now the mayor is building safe spaces for them to shootup.
Absolutely disgusting
That genuinely makes me angry
How could a public figure enable so many to destropy themselves, when he should be protecting them?
Any christans here?
Catholic here
or rather
^^ fite meh
square up 😉
why do you ask @Steven
because he's probably a fellow Christian
I think the rapture is here and the left is satans tool to destroy civilization by normalizing immoral evil acts
Id wager there are a lot of christ-bros here
heh, would that make Trump the antiChrist?
I have to go to work for a while. New guy fucked shit up. I'll be back in a couple hours.
Seattle wants post natel abortion to be legalized
kkk @Gryph
@Steven That's abhorrent, whats being done to stop it?
I think the next liberal pres will be the anti-christ
if we have one @Steven
I'm from Europe, whoever was asking
Nothing is being done other than current fed law
There was that eastern European medium who predicted the 45th US pres would be black and would be our last
@Steven I find it hard to believe that not one person opposes that openly