Message from @adorfhotler
Discord ID: 277313153321140224
i had a 50/50 chance genetically to get green eyes
and failed
i volunteer for the gas chambers
no need to push me in
I have brown eyes like
But I'm white as fuck
Like, Casper the Ghost white
Yeah, the fact the spics are roughly 50% European is the only reason their countries aren't Africa-tier.
i dunno about that, the central americans did some interesting shit
prior to being buttfucked
they had large stone cities, division of labor, religious caste, roads, etc
waaaay better than the nigs
something happened
before the spaniards made it here
The Aztecs were fucking savages. The other tribes of the region hated them for it and HELPED the Spanish BTFO them.
they were in full on post apocalyptic innawoods mode
when we got here
Aztecs were savages yeah but they were nowhere near "africa-tier"
go look at the cities they made
Spain fucked them up
native americans did not live in the woods in fucking wigwams for their whole civilization, they had a full civilization with towns and roads and millions of tons of copper mined out of Michigan
and something happened and they all ended up innawoods like savages
then spaniards came
the end
Literally it was like 1000 against 10,000
haha really i have never heard that doctor piss
Native Americans were actually based, but they failed utterly at organizing against their European invaders and got cucked.
its true
What the hell happened to the Middle East man
Once a Scientific powerhouse, now a shithole
i would read a fiction book about magic techno indians that dig too deep and get fucked by cthuhlu so they go innawoods and the europeans come
t. Elizabeth Warren
Warren, what a fucking hack
Lackey like
She looks like a fucking mushy pea
what caused her turn around