Message from @Gevir Fjell
Discord ID: 277895912984936448
@RogerRiga edgelords shouldn't represent the ideology of anticom
What to though?
I guess no snek
Anybody know anything with strong symbolism other than snek?
I'd love to keep snek but anon is right and I have been hearing the same thing from others in here
I liked the idea of the hedgehog from last night
how would that look tho
I get the feeling your family could make copper wire from a handful of pennies @Gevir Fjell
Eagle or Lion
@Click can you help us with doodles?
offline, sheeeeeeit
the lion is pretty decent
Strong symbolism? Frog had worked well so far.
I havent followed the twiiter, I dont have an account
i like the lion
Idk about frog
do I really need to go on (((twitter)))
Too close to shit like pepe
not sure if it needs to say maga
but i ike it
>Frog >Pepe> White-Nationalist symbol
@moonman-NY yes
@Rasenemus You know the negative affiliation with normies
@Gevir Fjell I'll ask @Click if he can when he comes back
I haven't been on this discord since Thursday, are people meeting IRL or are we not at that stage yet?
I dont think we are
Not at that stage yet I think
Apparently there's at meetup at the 11th
Website I think is still in development
Has it SQL Backend?
Meetup where,
No clue
No relational database system?