Message from @blueorange22

Discord ID: 527488346793181194

2018-12-24 14:18:06 UTC  

That's a point, but the reason I mentioned that specifically is if we can get to the route of that problem then I can have a more effective argument, as people do trust the AAP, however misguided that is. As far as I can tell its because of legal advice to keep it up in the issue up in air rather than face judgement from others

2018-12-24 14:18:19 UTC  


2018-12-25 12:13:56 UTC  

@InsaneCaterpilla It ain't blurred on other services, I'll tell you that much!

2018-12-25 12:16:36 UTC  

@Men Are Human I'm bloody glad it was, I don't wanna see it, it was bad enough!

2018-12-25 12:22:26 UTC  

Especially how the doctor who did it described it... He was giving pain to that little baby and justifying it at every step... It was abhorrent how he could do that

2018-12-25 12:24:56 UTC  

I treat my cats with more care than that

2018-12-25 12:26:21 UTC  

Who btw got lots of tuna today, they got chicken yesterday

2018-12-25 12:33:45 UTC  

Circumcision is the most performed surgery in the US... It's routine... Why the fuck do people not question it more

2018-12-25 12:34:41 UTC  

Why rights for men is needed? Because it's literally acceptable to strap a baby boy down and cut his genitals

2018-12-25 12:34:45 UTC  

Like wtf

2018-12-25 18:10:09 UTC  

Some medical textbooks in US schools don’t even teach the complete natural male anatomy

2018-12-26 08:25:23 UTC  

@InsaneCaterpilla Because it's routine.

2018-12-26 08:25:40 UTC  

I guess

2018-12-26 09:53:55 UTC  

@blueorange22 do they not? What do they teach?

2018-12-26 09:56:05 UTC  

Idk how they can be so inaccurate as to not include the foreskin... Like its such an abhorrent thing no one would have it, and exclude it from being accurate in medical texts...

2018-12-26 11:33:43 UTC  

Mother reports her child is "missing" to get ex boyfriend in trouble. Grandma rats her out and gets arrested. -

2018-12-26 11:34:26 UTC  


2018-12-26 11:51:41 UTC  

Double good

2018-12-26 14:10:06 UTC  

but whats troubling is that without the grandmas word, he probably WOULD have been in trouble

2018-12-26 14:10:22 UTC  

such is the degree of bias in the criminal system. engrained societal misandry, even in men

2018-12-26 21:25:37 UTC  

"Even more" is a relative term. How much more? It's a poor argument anyway. Men with prostate cancer are regularly made impotent with surgery. Most Medicine is about reducing harm. That's not to say better techniques aren't needed or can't be developed but if understanding the anatomy doesn't matter because the techniques used won't make a difference it's a hard sell.

Nerves are also highly personalized and aren't 100% transferable

2018-12-27 10:02:15 UTC  

I doubt they do the ones into the penis either.

2018-12-27 10:07:31 UTC  

reddit /u/MRA-Sid posted a new link in /r/MensRights
Did metoo take life of Swaroop Raj -

2018-12-27 11:11:10 UTC  

The poor guy. He saw what way the wind was blowing.

2018-12-27 15:46:58 UTC  

Mmm... That's sad :<

2018-12-27 15:55:07 UTC  

Unpopular opinion but I don't think that bong hit guy deserves the amount of downvotes they are getting. Wrong time/place to appear to be defending those women I guess. Shouldn't assume anyone's guilt about a situation we don't know enough about. One thing I think the situation does definitely show is that the fear men feel in this type of situation is real, and that people shouldn't be suspended from their livlihoods on nothing more than a complaint. It doesn't say he was actually suspended though unless I missed it, but that's a reasonable assumption in these type of cases

2018-12-27 16:10:16 UTC  

Bong hit?

2018-12-27 16:10:35 UTC  

One of the users in the thread

2018-12-27 16:10:47 UTC  

Oh, okay

2018-12-27 16:12:02 UTC  

You know, I should get some of you guys to start asking for and collating stories for men are human. I kinda need people who can be relied upon to be sympathetic and not just demand, or steal, or stuff like that.

2018-12-27 16:13:06 UTC  

How can we possibly have the chance, you ask everyone within seconds :p

2018-12-27 16:15:18 UTC  


2018-12-27 16:18:57 UTC  

Bong hit person is most probably a troll

2018-12-27 16:20:14 UTC  

It's possible, but they weren't actually wrong, just kinda heartless in the way they came off

2018-12-27 16:28:32 UTC  

I haven't checked yet because I'm working and therefore not here. ;D

2018-12-27 16:29:29 UTC  

It's unfortunate that many women are trigger happy and basking in their privilege to ruin lives.

2018-12-27 16:29:47 UTC  

It's like a new age puritanism

2018-12-27 16:31:45 UTC  

Yea no matter how much work we do there are always gonna be people like that who feel no qualms about doing that. The only thing to do is to make sure innocent until proven guilty is not just the standard with the police and courts, but also at work and in education