Message from

Discord ID: 529987398097174528

2019-01-02 00:47:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/andejoh** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**A former California legislative staffer claims retaliation after accusing Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia of misconduct So when will #MeToo say #TimesUp for the groper?** - <>

2019-01-02 00:54:31 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/PKJY** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Men Are Better Than Women (at Some Things)** - <>

2019-01-02 01:24:17 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/nisutapasion** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Understanding the weirdness of humans (nature vs nurture)** - <>

2019-01-02 01:34:52 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**The male sexual deficit: A social fact of the 21st century** - <>

2019-01-02 01:48:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Are men more violent than women?** - <>

2019-01-02 02:00:10 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**We need to talk about men and violence - but not in a hateful way** - <>
It's pretty obvious that men are, on the whole, more violent than women. The men's rights movement needs to come to terms with this, and to provide a credible alternative to the theory of 'toxic masculinity'.

I subscribe to an evolutionary point ...

2019-01-02 02:01:04 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/champflame** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Why is there a push for women in STEM?** - <>
I’ve seen many examples of women being pushed to enter STEM fields. And now, women are the majority in STEM fields. What is the point of pushing for women in STEM? I don’t see any reason in wanting more women in a field just for the sake of it,...

2019-01-02 02:07:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/williswillardthe3rd** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**This refrigerator magnet I found at a bookstore twists the words of Shakespere to fit a sexist narrative.** - <>

2019-01-02 02:27:52 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/formerlydeaddd** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**SHAYNA HUBERS- Girl who murdered boytoy because 'he wouldn't commit' is up for RETRIAL! YOU CANT MAKE THIS SH*T UP!!!** - <>

2019-01-02 03:09:43 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Buttben8** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**A reminder that this sub is about men’s rights and the way they are infringed upon. This sub is not a group that attacks female privilege. Please stop making the MRM look bad by attacking, generalizing, or otherwise disrespecting women.** - <>
I expect downvotes, but I’m serious. The opposition of women and SJW bullshit is not the goal of this subreddit.

2019-01-02 03:25:46 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/abrahamnyc** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**E** - <>

2019-01-02 03:49:59 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Subhajit_Halder** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**This is what shouldn't happen** - <>

2019-01-02 05:43:18 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Some studies show that 50% or more of allegations examined are false.** - <>

2019-01-02 05:55:22 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/TheRealMayonnaise55** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Getting grabbed at parties and made fun of when when I think it’s not ok.** - <>
I go to a lot of college parties [21]. And normally as they go it’s super crowded and cramped. During one of the parties a group of girls come up to us and while we’re talking one of them just grabs at my groin. I push her away from me and my frie...

2019-01-02 05:56:48 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/PeterWrightMGTOW** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Bachelorhood as a fine art (1900) | Gynocentrism and its cultural origins** - <>

2019-01-02 06:03:41 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/hoesoem** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Just a reminder** - <>

2019-01-02 06:38:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/AdmiralSP** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Nice to read something positive every now and then.** - <>

2019-01-02 06:58:43 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/shadowguyver** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Someone posted in r/rants about how feminism could be useful, but also harmful.** - <>
They talked about false allegations and how it hurts the accused when no evidence is provided giving an example of a friend who committed suicide because of a false accusation. I give my 3 example of false accusations I have had to deal with and i...

2019-01-02 10:01:28 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/atheist4thecause** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Male Feminist Kills Himself After Girl He Loves Falsely Accuses Him of Sexual Abuse at Women's March** - <>

2019-01-02 10:11:38 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/88Jester88** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Guy takes it for a while....but not indefinitely.** - <>

2019-01-02 11:40:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/thicc_boi_Rook** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**I support feminism but not the current way it is right now [rant]** - <>
TL;DR at the bottom btw. Also I know u/Cupcakesalad already did one like this but this is my way of saying it. Okay, so I do agree with feminism and all but the way it is going today is waaaaaayyyy out of the original idea. The double standard is ...

2019-01-02 11:47:08 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/EricAllonde** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Some Thoughts On The Sunday Times' Interview of Paul Gambaccini | Analysis of the impact of false accusations on victims, #BelieveWomen and systemic efforts to deny the presumption of innocence to accused men.** - <>

2019-01-02 11:49:44 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/mdog200** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**night time walks** - <>
okay so little bit of a rant, so i was with my friends, all 16 year old men, standing at a bus stop. there was a house that’s being built across the road and we said fuck it and had a look inside, we ended up seeing a homeless man who looked very ...

2019-01-02 12:10:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/perplexedm** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Male Feminist commits suicide after Feminist falsely accuses him during Women's March** - <>

2019-01-02 12:59:34 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/mrwhibbley** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**SANE (sexual assault nurse examiner) nurse story** - <>
A female coworker of mine who is also a nurse was telling me that she took the SANE the class to become a nurse that assists patients in emergency rooms that claim they were raped.
She told me that if the dozens of patients she examined and colle...

2019-01-02 13:27:16 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/CrankItUp_** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Thought this might belong here as well** - <>

2019-01-02 13:29:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/bacinator3000** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Yeah.... r/askfeminists is definetly fair. Tried to have a normal discussion about what issues that women face while saying that I believe men has more pressing ones I got banned wow.** - <>

[Check my post and comment history and you will see the discussion. R\/askfeminists represents everything wrong with the equality movement.](

2019-01-02 13:33:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/rdeadb123** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Picking sides during rape accusations** - <>
I have been giving a lot of thought to why people some with someone during rape accusations. I will admit that while we do know false rape accusations happen they are statisticaly not the norm. Also I will.admit that by making a claim the accuse...

2019-01-02 13:37:39 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/CrankItUp_** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**About female reporters in men's locker rooms** - <>

2019-01-02 14:07:40 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/JonasMMA** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**I’ve created an emotional support sub for people who are victims of false accusations.** - <>
This is an epidemic and there’s not enough support groups out there due to the taboo and the nature of a rape accusation. They can ruin lives, make people forever resentful, anxious and depressed. Please share you stories on the sub if you’ve gone...

2019-01-02 14:08:21 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/perplexedm** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**The whole #MeToo movement was a lot more about empowering false rape accusations than actually exposing rapists** - <>

2019-01-02 14:23:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/cloudypsychonaut** posted a new self post in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**I used this subreddit to cope when I was resentful for being falsely accused of rape. It might not be the best coping strategy, so I created a subreddit support group for people in a similar situation.** - <>
The subreddit is called r/supportfortheaccused.

I believe there aren’t enough support systems for people who have been falsely accused, so feel free to join if you’ve been in a similar predicament. We can support eachother and get through this.

2019-01-02 15:32:40 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/JAlfaMais** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**One Question for Currently Separated or Divorcing Guys.** - <>
What would you say is the #1 thing you need (or want to know) as you navigate your situation?

2019-01-02 15:54:29 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/sailnmon** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**It's time we get organized.** - <>
Feminists are organized. They brigade elections, government agencies like child support, they apply absurd levels of pressure on corporations and openly flaunt sexual discrimination against men.

I realize there's A Voice for Men but other than t...

2019-01-02 16:11:20 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/maxcorrice** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**So this dumbass ad has been going around Reddit lately** - <>

2019-01-02 16:25:11 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/smokeacoil** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**My response to those posts about no men for 24 hours** - <>

2019-01-02 16:41:23 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/omegaphallic** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Celebrity Ellen Barkin tweets that she hopes CK Louis gets raped on tweeter** - <>
Celebrity Ellen Barkin tweets that she hopes CK Louis gets raped on tweeter. What the fuck is wrong with people? Look I have Kinky forced sex fantasies, but I would never wish real rape on anybody, it's horrible. The sheer hatred for a man who di...

2019-01-02 16:46:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/spy9911** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Government help** - <>
Federal agencies for women:  Office on Violence Against Women, Women's Bureau, Office of Global Women's Issues, Center for Women Veterans, National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women, Office on Women's Health, Department of Labor Women's ...

2019-01-02 16:51:38 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/InsanerobotWargaming** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**This is what modern feminism is. This is the literal definition of bigotry.I don't agree, therefore I am an uneducated fool.** - <>

2019-01-02 16:52:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/shit-zen-giggles** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**New sub for victims of false accusation - r/supportfortheaccused** - <>
>Support group for those who suffer from being falsely accused of any crime. Being falsely accused of crimes like sexual assault can ruin lives, or cause massive anxiety and depression. This is a group where people can share experiences and hel...

2019-01-02 16:52:59 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/idealcastle** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Feminist Jess Phillips laughs at Mens Rights** - <>