Message from

Discord ID: 529902583557390366

2019-01-01 22:41:00 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Shitworldwelivein** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Woman who was a victim in the "Girl In The Closet" case, arrested for sexually assaulting 14 year old girl.** - <>

2019-01-01 23:09:33 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/basefx** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**In honor of Sandra's latest hit** - <>

2019-01-01 23:20:09 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/TheAndredal** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Martina Markota: "Foreskin facials” make Hollywood look bad** - <>

2019-01-01 23:43:56 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/ImpressiveShare8** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**NYC Officially allows people to change there gender WITHOUT a note from a doctor** - <>

2019-01-02 00:06:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/JohnKimble111** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**A New Year appeal** - <>

2019-01-02 00:47:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/andejoh** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**A former California legislative staffer claims retaliation after accusing Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia of misconduct So when will #MeToo say #TimesUp for the groper?** - <>

2019-01-02 00:54:31 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/PKJY** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Men Are Better Than Women (at Some Things)** - <>

2019-01-02 01:24:17 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/nisutapasion** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Understanding the weirdness of humans (nature vs nurture)** - <>

2019-01-02 01:34:52 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**The male sexual deficit: A social fact of the 21st century** - <>

2019-01-02 01:48:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Are men more violent than women?** - <>

2019-01-02 02:00:10 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**We need to talk about men and violence - but not in a hateful way** - <>
It's pretty obvious that men are, on the whole, more violent than women. The men's rights movement needs to come to terms with this, and to provide a credible alternative to the theory of 'toxic masculinity'.

I subscribe to an evolutionary point ...

2019-01-02 02:01:04 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/champflame** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Why is there a push for women in STEM?** - <>
I’ve seen many examples of women being pushed to enter STEM fields. And now, women are the majority in STEM fields. What is the point of pushing for women in STEM? I don’t see any reason in wanting more women in a field just for the sake of it,...

2019-01-02 02:07:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/williswillardthe3rd** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**This refrigerator magnet I found at a bookstore twists the words of Shakespere to fit a sexist narrative.** - <>

2019-01-02 02:27:52 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/formerlydeaddd** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**SHAYNA HUBERS- Girl who murdered boytoy because 'he wouldn't commit' is up for RETRIAL! YOU CANT MAKE THIS SH*T UP!!!** - <>

2019-01-02 03:09:43 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Buttben8** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**A reminder that this sub is about men’s rights and the way they are infringed upon. This sub is not a group that attacks female privilege. Please stop making the MRM look bad by attacking, generalizing, or otherwise disrespecting women.** - <>
I expect downvotes, but I’m serious. The opposition of women and SJW bullshit is not the goal of this subreddit.

2019-01-02 03:25:46 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/abrahamnyc** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**E** - <>

2019-01-02 03:49:59 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Subhajit_Halder** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**This is what shouldn't happen** - <>

2019-01-02 05:43:18 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/goodmod** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Some studies show that 50% or more of allegations examined are false.** - <>

2019-01-02 05:55:22 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/TheRealMayonnaise55** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Getting grabbed at parties and made fun of when when I think it’s not ok.** - <>
I go to a lot of college parties [21]. And normally as they go it’s super crowded and cramped. During one of the parties a group of girls come up to us and while we’re talking one of them just grabs at my groin. I push her away from me and my frie...

2019-01-02 05:56:48 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/PeterWrightMGTOW** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Bachelorhood as a fine art (1900) | Gynocentrism and its cultural origins** - <>

2019-01-02 06:03:41 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/hoesoem** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Just a reminder** - <>

2019-01-02 06:38:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/AdmiralSP** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Nice to read something positive every now and then.** - <>

2019-01-02 06:58:43 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/shadowguyver** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Someone posted in r/rants about how feminism could be useful, but also harmful.** - <>
They talked about false allegations and how it hurts the accused when no evidence is provided giving an example of a friend who committed suicide because of a false accusation. I give my 3 example of false accusations I have had to deal with and i...

2019-01-02 10:01:28 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/atheist4thecause** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Male Feminist Kills Himself After Girl He Loves Falsely Accuses Him of Sexual Abuse at Women's March** - <>

2019-01-02 10:11:38 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/88Jester88** posted a new link in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**Guy takes it for a while....but not indefinitely.** - <>

2019-01-02 11:40:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/thicc_boi_Rook** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**I support feminism but not the current way it is right now [rant]** - <>
TL;DR at the bottom btw. Also I know u/Cupcakesalad already did one like this but this is my way of saying it. Okay, so I do agree with feminism and all but the way it is going today is waaaaaayyyy out of the original idea. The double standard is ...

2019-01-02 11:47:08 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/EricAllonde** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Some Thoughts On The Sunday Times' Interview of Paul Gambaccini | Analysis of the impact of false accusations on victims, #BelieveWomen and systemic efforts to deny the presumption of innocence to accused men.** - <>

2019-01-02 11:49:44 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/mdog200** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**night time walks** - <>
okay so little bit of a rant, so i was with my friends, all 16 year old men, standing at a bus stop. there was a house that’s being built across the road and we said fuck it and had a look inside, we ended up seeing a homeless man who looked very ...

2019-01-02 12:10:05 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/perplexedm** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Male Feminist commits suicide after Feminist falsely accuses him during Women's March** - <>

2019-01-02 12:59:34 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/mrwhibbley** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**SANE (sexual assault nurse examiner) nurse story** - <>
A female coworker of mine who is also a nurse was telling me that she took the SANE the class to become a nurse that assists patients in emergency rooms that claim they were raped.
She told me that if the dozens of patients she examined and colle...

2019-01-02 13:27:16 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/CrankItUp_** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**Thought this might belong here as well** - <>

2019-01-02 13:29:58 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/bacinator3000** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Yeah.... r/askfeminists is definetly fair. Tried to have a normal discussion about what issues that women face while saying that I believe men has more pressing ones I got banned wow.** - <>

[Check my post and comment history and you will see the discussion. R\/askfeminists represents everything wrong with the equality movement.](

2019-01-02 13:33:42 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/rdeadb123** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**Picking sides during rape accusations** - <>
I have been giving a lot of thought to why people some with someone during rape accusations. I will admit that while we do know false rape accusations happen they are statisticaly not the norm. Also I will.admit that by making a claim the accuse...

2019-01-02 13:37:39 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/CrankItUp_** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**About female reporters in men's locker rooms** - <>

2019-01-02 14:07:40 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/JonasMMA** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**I’ve created an emotional support sub for people who are victims of false accusations.** - <>
This is an epidemic and there’s not enough support groups out there due to the taboo and the nature of a rape accusation. They can ruin lives, make people forever resentful, anxious and depressed. Please share you stories on the sub if you’ve gone...

2019-01-02 14:08:21 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/perplexedm** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**The whole #MeToo movement was a lot more about empowering false rape accusations than actually exposing rapists** - <>

2019-01-02 14:23:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/cloudypsychonaut** posted a new self post in **/r/pussypassdenied**
**I used this subreddit to cope when I was resentful for being falsely accused of rape. It might not be the best coping strategy, so I created a subreddit support group for people in a similar situation.** - <>
The subreddit is called r/supportfortheaccused.

I believe there aren’t enough support systems for people who have been falsely accused, so feel free to join if you’ve been in a similar predicament. We can support eachother and get through this.

2019-01-02 15:32:40 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/JAlfaMais** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**One Question for Currently Separated or Divorcing Guys.** - <>
What would you say is the #1 thing you need (or want to know) as you navigate your situation?

2019-01-02 15:54:29 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/sailnmon** posted a new self post in **/r/MensRights**
**It's time we get organized.** - <>
Feminists are organized. They brigade elections, government agencies like child support, they apply absurd levels of pressure on corporations and openly flaunt sexual discrimination against men.

I realize there's A Voice for Men but other than t...

2019-01-02 16:11:20 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/maxcorrice** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**So this dumbass ad has been going around Reddit lately** - <>

2019-01-02 16:25:11 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/smokeacoil** posted a new link in **/r/MensRights**
**My response to those posts about no men for 24 hours** - <>