Message from @Jango Harrison

Discord ID: 519757465806569472

2018-12-05 05:22:33 UTC  

That's the thing though, generally people accept that the sexes are *generally* different, with exceptions. So if traits of one sex such as not being able to do as much or as well as the opposite sex, then holding that against someone could possibly be construed as sex discrimination

2018-12-05 05:23:29 UTC  

I think is just another Feminist paradox “women are just as good as men” okay then go lay bricks “I need help”

2018-12-05 05:24:39 UTC  

You don’t learn until you actually start doing, and I think men are brought up to think it’s not okay to ask for help, that it is seen as weak, where women are brought up to always ask for help when you can, I think it is less a physical thing and more a mental thing

2018-12-05 05:25:15 UTC  

Because again, I could do the work, and I’ve seen smaller men able to do the work, so I don’t think it could be anything else

2018-12-05 05:26:14 UTC  

Throw more women into garbage trucks, they can do it! I believe! xD

2018-12-05 05:29:04 UTC  

There is a healthy amount of man up and a healthy amount of showing emotion, I think to be a functioning human you need to work out the balance between the two.

2018-12-05 05:29:24 UTC  

Too far either way is going to hurt you one way or another.

2018-12-05 05:37:14 UTC  

Women who get fired shouldn’t blame it on their gender, they should blame it on the fact that they couldn’t do the job, and you think a judge would be based enough to know the difference between a lazy bitch who doesn’t want to break a nail and an actual case of gender discrimination.

2018-12-05 05:41:37 UTC  

Perhaps you're right in that women can be fired for not being able to keep up, as I'm not getting any results of women who claimed they were fired for their gender in that context. I'm surprised tbh as I thought feminists meddling in businesses was already that pervasive.

But I still guess that's a separate reason to being fired, being less capable, than that they cost more on an hourly basis is, even if they end up with the same result of a person who loses the company money over a different employee.

2018-12-05 05:43:41 UTC  

If the government (who mandates that employees hire women over men when they are of equal ability) says women were to be paid more as well, a company going against hiring them because of that would be breaking the law, since both the woman and man would still be of equal ability

2018-12-05 05:44:54 UTC  

^ that's badly worded but I'm hoping it gets what I'm trying to say across

2018-12-05 06:05:34 UTC  

Yeah, I think I’m getting the gist of it, don’t sorry, I am crap at trying to verbalise myself too xD

2018-12-05 06:06:38 UTC  

But it’s such a pointless mandate, since how many women do you that that would willingly apply for positions like bricklayer or earthmover or anything like that?

2018-12-05 06:07:22 UTC  

Vs how many men are applying as educators or nurses especially with such a stigma towards it

2018-12-05 06:07:42 UTC  

Y’all are dorks

2018-12-05 06:07:57 UTC  

Takes one to know one

2018-12-05 06:08:03 UTC  


2018-12-05 06:09:09 UTC  

I'm going back to thinking on the 'paying women more' thing though, which would apply in all jobs, not just construction. The reason I initially brought up construction was to parallel it with the company making a loss from hiring a woman and not being able to get rid of her under the pretence that her not doing as well as the men could be viewed as sex discrimination.

2018-12-05 06:09:47 UTC  

That parallel didn't work out well when I looked into it

2018-12-05 06:10:10 UTC  

My biggest issue with men’s rights is circumcision. Honestly if that was outlawed for everyone under 18, I’d be fine with everything else staying as it is.

2018-12-05 06:10:36 UTC  

That just seems to be the most glaring issue right now

2018-12-05 06:11:14 UTC  

I mean yes, sometimes it is medically necessary, but even then it’s not for infants. Issues arise later

2018-12-05 06:11:25 UTC  

But I mean for tradition or religion.

2018-12-05 06:12:19 UTC  

The thing that bothers me about people arguing religion is it’s wrong. You are to circumcise yourself to show your dedication to god. It was never said to do so to your own son, let alone have a stranger do it.

2018-12-05 06:12:31 UTC  

Maybe I’m wrong. I was raised Christian and I certainly don’t remember that part of the Bible being taught

2018-12-05 06:14:30 UTC  

I just want a world where we can turn down the insanity a couple of notches

2018-12-05 06:15:26 UTC  

I just don’t understand why I was cut. What did that do for me?

2018-12-05 06:15:39 UTC  

I sure as hell don’t love or respect the religion any more for it

2018-12-05 06:15:47 UTC  

I don’t thank my parents for making me “cleaner”

2018-12-05 06:16:03 UTC  

I get to look at my pretty, scarred up dick everyday

2018-12-05 06:16:14 UTC  

Circumcision is a Jewish and Muslim religious thing, the reason it is done in the USA (pretty much exclusively for non religious reasons) is because it was promoted by Kellogg to reduce masturbation and sexual desire in men. These days in the USA it is touted as being cleaner and having medical benefits, both of which are BS.

2018-12-05 06:16:26 UTC  

I know

2018-12-05 06:16:41 UTC  

I’ve been studying circumcision for a little over two years now just to convince my parents they’re idiots

2018-12-05 06:16:49 UTC  

They still couldn’t care less

2018-12-05 06:17:04 UTC  

“What’s the big deal? Does it hurt now? Do you remember it happening?”

2018-12-05 06:17:50 UTC  

I’m sorry for ranting. I’m just in a mood tonight because I’m stressed as hell for my final tomorrow

2018-12-05 06:19:14 UTC  

Good luck with your final, hopefully it will go better than you think. Make sure to get enough rest for it yea?

2018-12-05 06:19:59 UTC  

Yeah. It’s past midnight for me rn. I’m going to sleep soon.

2018-12-05 06:20:23 UTC  

East coast?

2018-12-05 06:20:34 UTC  


2018-12-05 06:20:54 UTC  

The most conservative state there is 🙃