Message from @InsaneCaterpilla
Discord ID: 522705884233859072
I wish people didn't lump us in with racists and misogyny
yeah, is awesome getting called an alt-right all the time when you would find that a good chunk of the members here are pretty left leaning
misogyny is a great one for me, feminist find out I'm a woman and then it morphs into "internalized misogyny"
Like the black racists ?
That must be hard being a female men's right advocate
At least certainly not popular
not typically no, it's an interesting perspective I think, I actually get accused of a lot of things that male feminists get accused of just in reverse
I'm a female MRA, it's not as hard as you expect
Or at least from my experience, anyway
depends on how many feminists you get to deal with I think because it is mostly the extreme end of those
also UwU is best username
a lot of the time honestly you just get blocked or banned from feminist spaces you didnt really frequent anyway, so not that big a deal in that way
Liars, there are no womenz on teh interwebz
sorry I forgot.
Discord seems neet. Kind of like using irc cloud
I actually reached out to a person who had been asking questions on the men's right sub and had a reasonable discussion. One of the first things she said was how she was surprised we weren't a bunch of raving misogynists and were generally nice.
I mean duuuh. But it's sad that that's the perception
You're right it is sad. Misogynist, racist, Nazi. These terms are all thrown around now without regard to their actual meaning. They are just used as insults against people one disagrees with.
Imo the definition of “racist” or “sexist” has been changed on the internet
Even dictionary definitions say 'typically toward/of women' when it comes to sexism
seXism aNd rAciSm doEsNt eXisT tOwardS mEn aNd whiTe pEOpLE
Yeah you're right even the disctionaries are getting pc
Afaik they've been that way for a long time
Did you see the sesame Street meme someone jsut posted?
Briefly, it would be better as an article and not a meme. I'm falling asleep rn
I like sleeping. It is nice.
@Abbysol I think the reason is they see you as a traitor, and internalized mahogany is their patch to cover the fact you are putting the lie to what they say.
@InsaneCaterpilla Yeah, I've noticed that for years. It's worse though. Keep track of every charity leaflet you get and look at the pictures in them. Literally 90% women and the women always get featured most prominently
I wish I could scan some to make a compilation but they tend to be all odd shapes.
I've got one from Sightsavers on my desk about the trachoma infection.
People are pulling out their eyelashes with twesers because the infection makes them grow inward.
Judging by this leaflet, this is one sexist infection - it only affects girls. They literally have a pair of tweezers on a necklace and it says "It's what all the girls are wearing these days"
Man that sucks
I wonder why it would prefer girls
It doesn't, that's the thing
Correction - it is said to affect women more, due to increased contact with children.