Message from @Uberduperdrew
Discord ID: 522888109151485963
You stay impartial, in other words
You can stay impartial but I tend to believe the accused until proven otherwise
Because the damage down by not believing them is so horrible
Innocent until proven guilty
Yes, absolutely, innocent until proven guilty is important - but it needs to apply both ways.
We don't automatically take either side because either side could be wrong - or lying
If we start to take the side of the accused, what happens is this whole thing becomes a pendulum swinging the other way. It'll swing hard in favour of the accused, and then the accuser, and then back. What we really need is for the pendulum to stop, or the next generation will be fighting to swing it the other way.
That's my take on it anyway.
Ah, sorry if I came over a bit 'super hard-core debating mode @Uberduperdrew , I've been debating too much recently. Lol.
So how is @everyone tonight? Are we all doing good?
Flu I guess?
It is the season. I think Blue orange is down with it too.
I'm glad I got a flu shot
I'm so glad that mom who made her stepson live under the stairs is going to jail
Got a pretty hefty sentence too
Harry Potter IRL?
Wow, really?
Yeah she got more time than the kid's dad
28 years
Have a wank?
ive had 2
thats more then usual
Read some feminist literature?
i tried that, it turned me off for like a few minutes
the male libbo is to damn high
cute :3
You can't fuck the dog
ik lol
i hate the days when my mind cant function
What do you do normally
think and do other things
but there are somedays whare all I can think about is girls, boobs, butts, jacking off, kissing, cuddling and handjobs
I fortunately/unfortunately depending how you look at it grew out of that.
I still want a relationship but dating is a flaming pile of garbage.
Hmm. I don't really know. I often had girlfriends which I'm guessing doesn't help. Sport was a big part of my time.