Message from @Men Are Human
Discord ID: 524206165928968192
@Maxwell_Richardson oh yes
Oh yes
And it's not even out of alpha. XD
Same with their website too, lol
ahhhhh, so many games, cannot cope, will probably just default back into warcraft xD
That's for people who haven't seen it and don't know what we're talking about
They've just added artillery train carrages and revamped all the models and things
omg that game looks so satisfying, reminds me a bit of another puzzle game I can't remember the name of it though
just the smooth running factory aspects of it
any idea on when it gets a full release?
I love tycoon games
I'm a sucker for them
@Abbysol no idea, but it already has a mini campaign and a bunch of mods.
is the alpha open or invite only or something else?
@Thalmor_Justiciar I really need a new one
@Abbysol nope! You can buy it now. :)
I should get it >.<
but it will probably eat me and I still have so many games to get to xD
Wait for it to go on sale maybe
why are you doing this to me!
Oooo, Demo 😄
I'm mean
maybe in the morning, I've had too much rum to be able to do any cognitive functions tonight
@Abbysol lol
You have more rum than most pirates
Jack sparrow is my spirit animal
I also really want to get a macaw xD
the poop? I see a poop xD
Ooo, Hentai games ❤
not my cup of tea tbh
I really liked honeypop xD
idk how to spell
I think it's honiepop