Message from @InsaneCaterpilla

Discord ID: 541596360147730432

2019-02-03 06:35:56 UTC  

Yeah, but at least they are relatively predictable

2019-02-03 07:36:25 UTC  

* @Uberduperdrew Don't worry, you should be able to replace those products fairly easily. Just go to the isle of the supermarket and pick the product next to that brand. You probably won't be able to tell the difference.

2019-02-03 10:00:29 UTC  


2019-02-03 11:33:21 UTC  

@Men Are Human I picked up mom bounty paper towels this week..I regret it now.

2019-02-03 12:05:17 UTC  

Any British people watching The Big Question?

2019-02-03 12:05:50 UTC  

Nope, is it on now?

2019-02-03 12:05:53 UTC  


2019-02-03 12:06:07 UTC  

They've just got on to Feminism now.

2019-02-03 12:06:38 UTC  

There are some crazy people

2019-02-03 12:08:38 UTC  

I've not seen a non-feminist yet. It's just different types from terfs to poverty intersectional Feminists and not very many young people

2019-02-03 12:08:53 UTC  

'Is feminism in crisis'- no, it's working as it was always intended, to be discriminatory and harm men

2019-02-03 12:10:54 UTC  

"We're having conversations about men... And masculinity and the harms of masculinity"


2019-02-03 12:19:34 UTC  

Wanna bet no one counters with anything bad about Dworkin of all people

2019-02-03 12:23:59 UTC  

They skirted around her very quickly. Nothing negative has come up.

2019-02-03 12:26:42 UTC  

'There are people that choose to go into sex work but that doesn't mean they consent to it'- what?

2019-02-03 12:27:14 UTC  


2019-02-03 12:28:12 UTC  

All this discussion has turned into is "What the fuck is Feminism and who is the most oppressed?"

2019-02-03 12:28:27 UTC  

So Feminism in a nutshell really

2019-02-03 12:29:33 UTC  

I dont see how you can have a *valuable* discussion on feminism without discussing the harm it does people, which doesn't seem to have been addressed much

2019-02-03 12:30:03 UTC  

At all*

2019-02-03 12:30:34 UTC  

It was touched on when they said it excludes men or damages sex workers by removing their choices in the sex industry

2019-02-03 12:30:51 UTC  

But the excluding men should have gone further to list how it actively damages them

2019-02-03 12:31:53 UTC  

What was missing is balance. If only 40 odd percent of people identify as a Feminist where are the other half of the front row saying "look, your movementis a shit show"

2019-02-03 12:32:59 UTC  

There was one woman who barely spoke who was the only one to appear non Feminist

2019-02-03 12:33:38 UTC  

There were 6 women and 2 men.

2019-02-03 12:35:27 UTC  

@Uberduperdrew Try own brand!

2019-02-03 12:37:22 UTC  

@blueorange22 Would you watch The Big Question for us and do a cringe reel? If you don't want to put it on your channel, we could add it to mine.

2019-02-03 12:37:37 UTC  

She didn't even really speak against feminists, only that feminism is filled with upper white middle class issues

2019-02-03 13:32:32 UTC  

That #believewomen stuff really didn't go the way they wanted to I think

2019-02-03 15:38:42 UTC  


2019-02-03 15:38:48 UTC  

whats the big question?

2019-02-03 15:38:52 UTC  

let me google

2019-02-03 17:43:47 UTC  

It's like a group debate show, but I'm using the term debate very loosely

2019-02-03 17:44:18 UTC  

And it's the big questions with an s

2019-02-03 20:03:47 UTC  

ok, yeah ill check it out

2019-02-03 21:07:46 UTC  

Has anyone composed a list of subs that are MRM accepting? (You could almost say it's an antifeminist list, but I've seen some subs are pretty egalitarian or quite mixed in both directions)

2019-02-03 21:09:50 UTC  

Mmm, I don't really know many besides the ones everyone else does. The ones that are linked on mens rights like unpopular opinions and pussypassdenied are alright

2019-02-03 21:10:52 UTC  

I guess it depends what you mean by accepting. Some subs that dint have anything to do with feminism can ban you for posts in MR related subs

2019-02-03 21:11:12 UTC  

r/iamatotalpieceofshit seems pretty MRM friendly.

2019-02-03 21:11:35 UTC  

Usually those ones are also modded by feminist mods I've noticed.

2019-02-03 21:15:09 UTC  

@blueorange22 Thanks a lot blue. Doesn't have to be long, but I think it's a good idea to output as many cringe videos as possible. We show everyone what they really look like