Message from @aymem
Discord ID: 524712430568341524
too little too late? Probably.
for now ben shapiro is a necessary evil
to go against the radicalized leftists
Too late for America as a whole I mean, there is still a future.
if only the RNC did not defraud ron paul, he was crazy enough to end all things bad, but he also would have been murdered day one when he ended the fed
You mean this kid from the video right(it's a reaction video, the original got deleted)?
yeah i think thats him
he had his blond posse with him
based blacks, amirite
I mean, the fucking democrat was retarded enough
funny how the world works
well the majority of blacks that vote don't usually care about politics
There was no way the kid couldn't win
its a groupthink thing
they voted for obama just cuz he was black
tribal, yeah
Most people don't care about voting in general
They just vote for the popularity contest
i disagree, radical leftists care a lot about voting against trump <:lol:521377935672737792>
also hillary too
They don't care about voting, but removing anything beyond centre-left
a lot of women voted for her just cuz shes a woman
a lot of women voted for trudeau cuz he was hot
To the general public, politics is about the in-group. The question is who they see as their in-group. They don't even think in terms of granular positions.
women shouldn't vote
the talented tenth
stop letting women vote oh my god!!!
well women did lower wages
Wait, women voted for Trudeau cause he was hot? is that serious?
the average young voter is simply stupid
lul old too faglito
of fucking course they did, same thing with obama
that might be exclusive to the west
and macron
White women still voted Trump as a demographic. We know what the real problem is, not that I support women voting....
obama cuz he black, clinton cuz vagina, trudeau cuz dick
macron cuz marine le pen
the real problem is a lot of americans dont read news