Message from @Maj. Asshole
Discord ID: 483699624113078301
Zun needs to be drunk after touhou
ZUN propably refused an anime adaptation bcs he was drunk
>zun later kills himself upon sobering
>ZUN ever being sober
He was made to drink and draw like a retard
I think my youtube just had a stroke
it compiled likes/dislikes and the titles of the vids i watched
You cant prove Australia exists
We all know Tim's a shill.
@Tim Not Tamed how does it feel to be a shill
australia is a figment of imagination
What if the fact that Australia is a figment of your imagination, is a figment of your imagination
just like isreal Israel
@Maj. Asshole gib leg pics
@Mojo don’t hit on me silly boys
@Maj. Asshole gib 🅱️enis
@Nic386 gib 20$
real bulli hours
@Maj. Asshole gib da big gay
Septembers t doll login bonus
Send toe pics
@Nic386 ask mojo he’s got lots of big gay
Only a 3 star lol
they are all 3s
literally all of the login dolls area 3s
i swear my luck on gf is better out of rateup events
during the production rateup i pulled shit
but as soon as it ended im back to pulling 5 stars