Message from @Sadmin
Discord ID: 484470059817893889
She's got expensive tastes.
another girl another skin walker
I have 2 boxes of Red box 5.7x28 and I cant even buy the gun for another year
I want so bad
A norinco training mauser
An MG42
And the P90
I'm most hype for the chink mauser believe it or not.
>qt smol gook girl that likes to larp as wehrmacht
I wasnt aware that the Chinese manufactured Mausers
Was it to use up post War ammunition stock or something?
@Sadmin thats just inazuma
It's a norinco trainer. They made it into this weird kar 98 clone
Like 4/5 scale
oh wait
I think its officially a czech design, but the chinese copied it
CZ-452 I think?
its a .22 in a weird K98 copy furniture
that thing?
thats really cool
Pla navy markings as well
old norinco shit is hard to find
in good, unmolested condition
Aye, still cost almost as much as a beater kar98 too
But it's in excellent condition
~~Not to brag but I recently got an excellent condition MAK-90, all matching numbers, for $594~~
who wants a sig 550
gib Sig
@Innaswamp Nani
Vc cunt
>not having Terry crews as aa12